Ulster GAA CDP Coaching Workshops 2014
Throughout February 2014 Ulster GAA ran a series of Coaching Workshops which targeted u16 to Senior Club Coaches. If you click on the link below you will be able to download a copy of the presentation which the tutor of the workshop delivered on the night.
Activate GAA Warm Up (Link to Activate Website – http://activategaa.sini.co.uk/ )
CDP–Kick-outs & Midfield Co-ordination
Club Coaching Officers Information 2014
Please find the two presentations that both Diarmuid Marsden and Paul O’Connor recently delivered to Club Coaching Officers in Monaghan. Just click on the links below to download a copy.
Club Coaching Officer Meeting 1
Club Coaching Officer Meeting 2
Ulster GAA have recently published a poster of the Player Pathway System. Every club has received a copy of this and should place it in a convenient location within your club. If you didn’t receive a copy of the poster you can download on the link below.
Monaghan Coaching Conference 2014
Attached is the four presentations that where delivered at the Monaghan GAA Coaching & Games Conference in the Patrician High School in November 2013. If you would like to download a copy of the presentation please click on the link.
Ciaran McBride Managing the 3 S’s School Sport and Social
Malachy O Rourke Effective Management Teams
Patrick McCarron Improving Kicking Technique Through Video Analysis
Ryan Porter Strength and Conditioning and Speed Development
Also, please find the Coaching Resource ‘Coaching Templates’ which was devised and published by Monaghan Coaching & Games at the conference. You can download it by clicking on the link below.
Below is a video that the GAA released in relation to the new rules which where introduced at the start of 2014. It covered all the points Pat McEnaney talked about in his presentation.
U14 Football development Squad
On Monday 28th of October the Monaghan U14 development squad traveled to Stamullen in County Meath to take part in a Leinster blitz. Two different squads took part in the blitz and played against the following teams: Meath, Kildare, Westmeath and Louth. The boys acquitted themselves very well over all their games winning four out of the six games they played. All games were close and competitive and you could see the players improving with every game. A total of 24 clubs were represented on the day.
On Saturday the 2nd of November the team traveled to Sligo to take part in a three team blitz against Sligo and Donegal. Again each team had two teams taking part in the blitz. First up Monaghan played Donegal with both teams winning their games convincingly. The second and final games saw Monaghan play the hosts Sligo. Team one competed very well in a closely fought game and emerged victorious, while team two`s game was called off due to adverse weather conditions.
To date this groups of players have shown excellent commitment and potential. We would like to thank them for their commitment, support and attendance at the blitzes. Plans are in place to introduce these lads to a Strength and Conditioning / Running programme over the winter months.
See a photo of the lads below.

Back Row L to R; Martin Corey, Conor Doyle, Ryan Mohan, James Treanor, Jack Gormley, Colum Claisse, Ryan McCann, Cian Carney, Shane McKenna, Aidan Woods, Padraig Meehan, Hugh McGinn, James Finnegan, Eddie Walsh, Calum Blanche, Ben Flynn, Paul O Connor.
Middle Row; L to R; Karl McMenamin, Conor Cassin, Finbarr McGinn, Cormac O Connor, Cameron Dowd, Daniel Carragher, David Callan, Calum McKenna, Stephen Irwin, Josh Walsh, Paul Monaghan, Declan McKernan, Colin Malone.
Front Row L to R; Tomas Croakin, Michael McAllister, Fergal Sherlock, Dylan Ward, David Hanley, Oisin Gleeson, Niall Ward.
Missing Players; Abraham Dixon, Tommy Monaghan, Ollie Clerkin and John Gorman.