Category Archives: Clones


 Help Needed: All hands on deck and shoulders to the wheel this week for the

Clones Club Notes 26/06/2013


Congratulions to James Mealiff who is taking part in the Ulster GAA Elite camp in

Clones Club Notes 18/06/2013


Continued success to all our members who are sitting Junior Cert and Leaving Cert examinations,

Clones Club Notes 11/06/2013


Executive meeting: takes place this evening in the Creighton at 7:30pm.  This meeting has been

Clones Club Notes 05/06/2013


Executive meeting: takes place this evening in the Creighton at 7:30pm.  There’s a lot on

Clones Club Notes 28/05/2013


Executive meeting: takes place next Thursday evening the 30th of May in the Creighton at

Clones Club Notes 22/05/2013