CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website

Doohamlet Note

January 25th, 2012

Juvenile Fundraiser:  Our Juveniles are holding a Family Table Quiz on Sunday next in the local hall.  This always provides good entertainment and we ask everyone to try and support our juveniles in anyway whether it be sponsorship of spot prizes or participation in the quiz itself.  All proceeds go towards our underage teams and this event gets underway at 3pm
Weekly Blotto:  Our weekly Blotto re commences on Monday night next after the Christmas break.  This is our main source of income and we thank all our loyal contributers who support our weekly Blotto. Jackpot now stands at €8,000 and our collectors will collect envelopes as usual next weekend.
Senior Training   Our players have now commenced training for the season ahead under the guidance of David McGregor.  A good turnout in the local hall where all the players have began circuit training and  gym work.
Condolences:  Doohamlet GFC sends its sincere condolences to the family and friends of the late Paddy McVicar, Cremartin.  Paddy was a true gentleman and a loyal servant to Cremartin GFC.  Clontibret Parish and the whole surrounding area was shocked and saddened with the tragic news last week and we remember his wife and family  during this sad time. 

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