CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website

Currin Notes

January 17th, 2012


Currin GFC Notes

January  16th 2012

Lotto Results : Sunday 15th January. Winning Numbers:  9-11-19-27

No Jackpot winner.

€ 15 prize winners:  Dick Clerkin, Scotshouse. Irene O Brien, Scotshouse, Austin Mc Entee, Corracken. Pauric Mc Caul, Callowhill. Evelyn Mc Cabe, Clones. Eoin Quigley, Newbliss. Gerard Duffy, Carn Heights, Clones. Paddy Thompson, Newbliss.

Colin Clarke, Newbliss. John Duffy, Clones.  

Jackpot next week  €5300

County Awards Night

A reminder to all members who wish to go to the Awards night that booking is essential with either the club Chairman or Secretary. The date is the 27th January in the Hillgrove Hotel with Jarlath Burns as guest speaker.

Cadbury Football Scholarship

Congratulations to Jack Mc Carron on being a recipient of the above scholarship in Dublin City University. Jack finished top scorer in the Monaghan Intermediate Championship last year, and was a key member of the DCU freshers team last year. He has represented Monaghan at both minor and U21 in the recent past and will be a key player at senior level for Currin, Monaghan and DCU in the future. Well done, Jack.

Monaghan GAA website.

The official Monaghan GAA website has to be one of the best GAA websites on offer at the moment. It is an easy to navigate site, full of  relevant information, great photographs and is constantly updated. It can be accessed at A new feature of this excellent  service on offer to Monaghan supporters is the Twitter account, @monaghangaa. The Mc Kenna Cup matches can be followed almost instantaneously as they are played. I have no doubt this will carry on throughout the coming year. Great credit is due to Tony, John, Seamus, Majella and all who are responsible for these new initiatives.


Bingo:  As usual on Tuesday evening at 9.00pm in the Scotshouse Community Centre.

Dancing: Dancing is back on after the Christmas break.  Come along, support and have an enjoyable evening.

Music: On Thursday evening at 7.30pm in the Scotshouse Community Centre.

Belated congratulations to Ellen McCarron who celebrated her 21st birthday in Connolly’s recently. A great evening was had by all.

Dates for your Diary:  First Penance Tuesday 28th February at 7.30pm.  First Holy Communion Sunday 13th May at 10.00am  Confirmation Saturday 5th May at 10.30am in Scotshouse.

Church of Ireland:  Mothers Union next meeting will be held on Thursday 26th January in Killeevan.  A talk on: By Camel and Canoe:  A Journey through Africa.  Speaker Mr Christopher Steed.

29th January:  Killeevan: Group service and gift day at 3.00pm.  During the service we will enjoy hearing Mr Glenn Moore at the Organ.  All warmly welcome.

Sympathy to Maud Agnew and her family on the death of Fred Agnew who died on Monday morning 16th January.

One for the Ladies:  Monaghan VEC have an upcoming course Fetac Level 4 Computer Applications.  If anyone is interested please contact Dochas 047 71640

Connons Racquetball and Handball Club:  Anyone interested in joining please contact Peter McDwyer on 086 3260603 for Handball, and Noel Beggan on 086 0770415 for Racquetball.  An opening night is to be arranged at a later date so please keep an eye on further developments on this project in this section. A Handball/Racketball alley is already available for use at the Connons Community Centre.

Badminton: Begins Monday 16th January in the Connons Community Centre from 8-10pm Cost €3

Bowls:  Continues in Connons every Thursday in the hall from 8.00 – 10.00pm (Admission free)

Allotment Scheme:  Anyone interested in taking part in an Allotment Scheme should contact Sean on

The McEntee family would like to thank everyone who made Agnes’s Birthday celebration such a special and memorable occasion for her and all the family.  We would also like to acknowledge €1040 which was collected on the day in lieu of presents for Clones St Vincent de Paul.

Reminder to all Community Centre committee members, meeting tonight Thursday 19th Jan  @ 8.30pm

Community Alert Meeting. The group will meet on Wednesday 25th January in the Community Centre at 9pm. Anyone welcome to attend.

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