Week 3 of our Kelloggs Cul Camps will take our coaches to Carrickmacross, Emyvale and Doohamlet. All three camps are booked out, please note you are not allowed to register for camps on Monday morning.
Last Monday the 4th July, the second week of the Cul Camp’s kicked into action with three camps taking place in Castleblayney, Monaghan Harps and Corduff. All three camps were completely booked out with 380 children getting to experience the full enjoyment of a Kellogg’s Cul Camp with a full range of fun games and activities throughout the week. Each of the participants who attended the camps got an opportunity to play football, hurling, camogie and rounders.
Monaghan Coaching & Games would like to thank the three host clubs for providing their excellent facilities and for their assistance each morning and afternoon at the traffic plan that we had in place. Furthermore we would like to thank the camp co-ordinators, coaches, parents and children for their help in ensuring the camps were a success.
Below is a selection of photos from this weeks camps….