CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website

Clontibret Notes

February 17th, 2015

Fun Run & Walk
The response has been very positive so far, with good numbers turning out on Tuesdays at 8pm and Sundays at 11am. These sessions continue in preparation for the Fun Run/Walk on Easter Saturday, 4th April.

Juvenile Registration
We had a very successful registration last Saturday evening. A big welcome to all the new faces and a welcome back to all those who been before.
Again as last year we have handed out our sponsorship cards with each family registered for the 10k/5k run, which takes place on April 4th.
This proved very successful last year and we’ll be running it again alongside O’Neill Shamrocks and the Parents’ Association of Scoil Mhuire.
For those unable to attend to register you can still do so through your coach or if you wish you can contact JP (0860523566) or Shane (0861030270).
All teams will be out in the coming weeks. We look forward to seeing you all throughout 2015.

The deadline for registration is fast approaching. Get your €20 to registrar, Tommy Greenan, or any committee member now.

Presentation Dance
The Presentation Dance has come around at last. See you all in the Hillgrove on Saturday evening for what promises to be a fantastic night, where all our achievements of 2014 will be celebrated. Dinner will be served at 8.30pm sharp. Remember it’s still not too late to get tickets; they’re available from committee members, the clubrooms, the Braeside and McCarville’s. Make sure you don’t miss out on a great night.

Good Luck
Best wishes to Conor Boyle who lines out for DCU in the Sigerson Cup finals over the weekend.

Senior Hurling
Training continues on Monday and Thursday nights. All players to be on the field for 8pm.

Juvenile Hurling
There will be no juvenile training this Friday.

Our Sponsors