CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website

Blackhill Notes

February 10th, 2015

Pancake Tuesday: Next Tuesday, the 17th February, a fundraiser will be held in Blackhill Social Centre. Chefs will be on site from 9am in the morning and will remain in position flipping pancakes until 9pm that evening. All proceeds will go to Castleblayney Cancer Group and The Muckno Parish Renovation Fund. Special guest Margo will be in attendance at 3pm. All donations will be greatly appreciated and everyone is welcome throughout the day.

Football Training: Friday evening in all weather pitch beside Our Ladys.
New School Extension: The Board of Management of St. Brigid’s N.S. Aughnafarcon are delighted to announce that the Department of Education & Skills have approved an extension to the school. Work will begin in the forthcoming months. An enthusiastic fundraising committee has been set up, with lots of exciting events promised. Your support will be greatly appreciated.

Draw Results: 1st Prize, John Duffy, Tattygar. 2nd Prize, Niall Mc Mahon, Oram. 3rd Prize, Peggy Mc Cann, York Street, C’Bayney.

Young at Heart: The Young at Heart recommenced on Monday evening last and will now be held fortnightly.

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