CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website

Clontibret Notes

February 8th, 2015


Fun Run & Walk
Want to shed the pounds, get fit, have fun and be ready for the Clontibret 5/10km walk/run on Easter Saturday, April 4th?
Good, then it’s time to join us in ‘O’Neills Up & Running’.
We’re organising free walks/runs from Clontibret Community Centre every Sunday at 11.15am & Tuesday at 8pm – first session will be on Sunday, February 8th at 11.15am.
Everyone’s welcome and it’s for all ages but kids must be supervised. A hi-vis top is essential. See you there!

Again to remind members and plpayers of the absolute necessity to renew their membership for the coming year. It’s only €20 and to be given to Tommy Greenan or any club officer.

Presentation Dance
Don’t forget to get your tickets in good time for the Presentation Dance on 21st February to celebrate our achievements in 2014. Tickets are €35 and are available from club officers, the Braeside, McCarville’s and in the clubrooms.

Monaghan’s Senior Player of the Year.
Congratulations Vincent Corey on being presented with the Senior Player of the Year Award 2014 at the Monaghan County Board presentation night in The Hillgrove on Saturday last. Well done VC, just rewards. Also presented on the night were the winners medals to National League Division 2 team with Vinny, Dessie Mone Conor Boyle and team captain, Conor McManus on the podium , while Michelle Morgan was awarded Camogie Player of the Year, Well done all.

Gaelic Life All Stars
Also last weekend, Conor McManus picked up a Gaelic Life All Star award in recognition of his performances for Clontibret in the county and Ulster club championship, where he finished the year overall top scorer. Well done Conor.

Juvenile Registration Night
Juvenile registration for u6s to u16s for 2015 will take place Saturday evening February 14th at 6pm in the Community Centre.
O’Neill Shamrocks will also be holding their registration at the same time.
It is important that all juveniles be registered to help ensure the smooth running of the year ahead.
There will be a short informative meeting for parents on the evening also. Please make a special effort to attend.

There will be Mass for deceased members in St. Mary’s this Saturday evening.

Referees’ Recruitment Committee
The county referees’ recruitment committee will be visiting our club and speaking to adult players at a training session during the month of February. A big push is being made to recruit more referees.

Club Notes
Anything for inclusion in the club notes should be with the PRO by 9pm Monday evening.

Juvenile Hurling
Training for the Under 6, 8, 10 and 12 teams continues on Friday at 7pm in the Community Centre.

Senior Hurling
Training continues this Friday at 8pm in the Community Centre.

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