
By michael Tue 27th Nov

Cumann Peile na Sairsealaigh Cill Laobhain

Club Notes – 29/11/12

Cruinniú Cinn Bhliana/A.G.M

Míle buíochas d’achan duine abhí ag an cruinniú cin bhliana de Domhnaigh.  Many thanks to all who attended last Sunday’s A.G.M.  The large numbers in attendance is a testament to the wide range of activities/developments in which our club is currently involved.  Bhí tuairiscí suimiúil agus dearfacha ón Runaí agus an Cathaoirleach, comh maith le na hOifigí éile.  Wide ranging, interesting and positive reports were presented to the members by our Secretary, Chairman, Treasurer’s as well as Youth Officer and Cathaoirleach of our ladies club.  After the reports the election of Officers were made. Seo iad na hOifigigh fá choinne 2013:

Na hUachtaráin:- Fr Corrigan, J.P. Graham, Pat Tynan & Benny McGuirk.

Leas Uachtaráin:- Gerry Fitzpatrick, John Mc Donnell, Pat Finegan, Eugene Greenan, Minnie McEntee, Pat Larmer, Thomas McGarvey, Jim Graham.

Cathaoirleach:- Darren Greenan,

Leas Cathaoirleach:- Patrick McDonell,

Runaí:- Patricia Smith, Leas-Runaí:- Caroline Larmer.

Cisteoirí:- Breda McCooey, Pat O Leary.

O.C.P:- Brian MacUaid.

Cláraitheoir:- Kevin Quail.

Oifigeach don áos Óg:- Seamus Reilly.

Toscaire Coiste Chontae:- Patricia Smith.

Oifigeach Cultúra:- Margaret O Leary.

Oifigeach Arachas:- Caroline Larmer.

Oifigeach Ghaeilge:- Brian Mac Uaid.

Coiste Feidhmeanach:Fergal Larmer, Jim Graham, Kieran McGarvey.

Coiste Oibre:- All above plus:- Dermot Lynch, Casement Lynch, Noel Smith, Brian Mc Guirk, Brendan Tynan, Adrian Thompson, Fergal Kieran,  Mickey Quigley, Enda Kilpatrick, Brian Conlon, Patrick Leonard, Tommy McQuaid, Philip Graham, Johnny MCGurk, Kevin McGinn, Ciaran Quigley, Deirdre Martin, Gerry McGuigan, Minor McPhillips and Helena Smith.


Tá an féilire leis ar fáil anois.  Juvenile Calendar is now available for purchase.  Congratulations to all who worked on this venture.  It is a fantastic publication and one which will take pride of place in many a houshold over the next 12 months.  Maith sibh uilig.  Anyone wishing to buy some should contact any of the following, Pat O’Leary, Mary Quigley. Helena Smith, Breda McCooey, Patricia Smith or Cathaoirleach Darren Greenan.  Míle buíochas d’achan duine a thug cuidiú duinn.

Scor na nÓg.

Maith sibh do na baill óg bhí sa cluiche ceannais chontae areir. Well done to all our competitors, who represented our club in the County Final of Scor na nÓg laast night, Friday November 23rd. Your are a credit to your club Marc Quigley, John Mc Guirk, Daniel Thompson, Katie Reilly, Aideen Mc Guirk, Kerri Mc Guigan, Karla Corr, Laoise O Leary (Nuachleas) and Anthony Kilpatrick (Aithriseoireacht.).

Gum Shields:

Na dean dearmad.  Just a reminder that as and from Jan. 1st 2013 it will be mandatory for all players up to an including minors to wear gum shields both at training and in games. As there are insurance issues involved it will not be possible to allow players to train or play without gum shields. This regulation will also include all adult players from Jan.1st 2014.

Earraí an Chlub/Merchandise Christmas Club


Orders for club merchandise have now all been forwarded to our suppliers and no further orders can be taken for Christmas delivery. The next opportunity to order merchandise will be in April/May. A few woollen hats and drawstring bags are in stock and can be obtained by contacting Seamus.  Míle buíochas achan duine, beidh sé deas ár ndathanna a feicéail thart ar an Nollaig agus i 2013.

Maith Sibh/Well Done

Well done to our two Killeevan Sarsfields players Ciaran Corr and Ian McConnon who were in the starting line-up for the Monaghan VEC team who played Cavan in the Ulster semi-final last Friday. Despite two outstanding performances from our two representatives Monaghan ended up on the losing end by 4 points after a hard fought and entertaining game. Both Ian and Ciaran have represented Cill Laobhain at all juvenile age groups and also at minor level with both now making regular appearances at adult level.

Coiste na nÓg/Juvenile Committee

A juvenile committee meeting will be held in the club rooms on Tues. Dec. 4th at 8pm sharp. Any club member or parents who would like to be part of this working committee for 2013 or who would like to help in any way with juveniles is asked to please attend this meeting. The meeting will last for one hour only. Members of our adult teams will be especially welcome.

Páirc ‘Astro’ na Sairsealaigh

Booking line is open on: 086 1722923

Crannchur Club Cill Laobhain/Club Killeevan Draw’s

Annual Draw €1000 ; Tomas McQuaid, Boughill.

Quaterly Draw €250;  Declan & Denise Clerkin, Ture.


Níor bhuaigh aon duine an phóta oir an seachtaine seo.

There was no winner of our lotto jackpot .

Na hUimhreacha a bhaineadh.

03. 11. 18. 26.

€30 Lucky dip winner: 

Tom Daly, Clones.


€20 Lucky dip winner:

Bart McHetrick, Scotshouse.

Ger & Orla Clerkin, Aghabog.

Ciara Quigley, G Lynch.

Seamus Mulligan, Aghabog.

Kieran Moore, Scotshouse..


An Pota Óir an seachtain seo chugainn/Next Weeks jackpot is €11,200

The draw will take place in Dan’s Bar Sunday night 02/12/12.

Ár mbuíochas d’achan duine a chuidíonn linn sa chrannchur.

Uainchlár Chrannchur/Lotto Rota

Jim Graham, Kevin Quail, Geraldine Quail, Darren Greenan & Pat O’Leary

By michael Tue 27th Nov

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