CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website

Aughnamullen Notes

March 13th, 2012

Lotto: The lotto was held in the club house on Sunday last. There was no winner. Numbers drawn were 2,5,6,9. Lucky dip winners were as follows: Aidan Flanagan, Danny Callan, Brain Burgess, Madeline Forde, Mary Mc Mahon and Family, Aoife Duffy, Pat Mc Geough, Lena Lennon, Pat Hamilton and Siobhan Mc Guinness. Next weeks jackpot now stands at 6,300 euro. Next weeks lotto team is Patrick Sheridan, Catriena Connolly, Owen and Maria Bannigan.
Reserves: Played Inniskeen on Sunday last. A great performance was displayed but Aughnamullen failed to win they were defeated by one point on a scoreline of Aughnamullen 2-8 Inniskeen 1-12. Team and Scorers : Niall Mc Shane, Emmet Fealy, Paul Mulligan, Stephen Hamilton, Alan Sheridan, David Shevlin, Niall Keenan (0-1), Thomas Finnegan, Thomas Hughes, Eddie Mc Ardle (0-4), Patrick Sheridan, Colin Clerkin, Mark Mc Ardle (0-1), Brendan Finnegan (1-2) and Mickey Keenan. Subs Used: Keith Sheridan (1-0) for Emmet Fealy, Pauric Bannigan for Thomas Hughes, Thomas Hughes for Patrick Sheridan and Jamie Mc Guirk for Colin Clerkin. Subs: Eoin Sheridan, Declan Mc Geough, Damien Duffy, Simon Forde and Eugene Bannigan. Next B game is at Home to Scotstown on Sunday the 25th of March.
Seniors/Reserves/U21s: Training continues every wednesday and friday nights keep up the good numbers at training.
Aughnamullen Ladies: Training for all U12, 14, and 16s will take place on Saturday at 11am. Contact Edel (Mooney) Sheridan for more details on 0879549181.
21st: Happy 21st to Eoin (SKINNY) Sheridan.
 Scor:  The club were represented by Shauna & Shay Sweeney, Ronan & Nadia Markey and Marie Mc Ginn in the Instrumental Group  at the Ulster Scor Sinsir held in Stradrone Co Cavan held on the 3rd of March. The quintet gave a great performance on the night but were unfortunate not to qualify for the Ulster Final, anyway they were a credit to the Club and county.Friends of Aughnamullen:  Anyone who has not been contacted in relation to Friends of Aughnamullen somebody will be called to this week or so.  This is a major driving fundraiser initiative for the club it gurantees to club membership for the year you also get a club jacket and entry for 2 All Ireland Football Tickets for the cost of €120.  Anybody who wishes to join or receive their Club jacket can contact Treasurer Tony Ward on 0868553925 or any Club Officer.

Membership:  Anyone who wants to pay Club Membership can do so by contacting Brian Mc Ardle on 0834191986 or Tony Ward on 0868553925.  The cost is €20 for Single Person or € 40 Family Membership and closing date is the 31st March  This entitles you to your name being entered for All Ireland Tickets or any all ticket championship games.  It also entitles you to a vote at the AGM of the Club.

 Best of Luck: To Sean Sheridan,  Pete Dooney and the county u21 Monaghan team  who play Derry in celtic park on the 21st of March in the 1/4 final of the championship. Best of luck lads. All support is welcome game kicks off at 8pm.
Congratulations: Congrats to Micheal and Hilary Murtagh on the birth of their baby girl recently. Well done.
Thanks: Aughnamullen Football Club would like to thank James Sheridan for te use of his tractor and rollers to roll both football fields. Thanks James.
Club Notes: Anyone who would like notes added contact Alan Sheridan on 0862443306 or email

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