CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website

Sean Mc Dermotts Notes

March 6th, 2012

Sean Mac Diarmada Notes 8-3-12

Senior Team:

On Sunday last we played Cavan team Lacken in a challenge match at home. There was a mixture of the old guard and new faces all challenging for places .After the first third we were a point up with all our scores from frees.In the next 20 minutes both teams made changes and Lacken pushed on to lead by 5 at the next interval .After another few changes both teams scored 4 points to leave Lacken winning by 5 points. This was a very useful runout for the whole squad against a senior team in Cavan.

The senior team are out 3 times a week and numbers at the weekends are very encouraging .We have a young squad with around half of the lads away during the week but with the new management team in place everyone is out to try and push for their place. The B team had a bye last weekend but the new season is just around the corner. Hopefully the numbers and effort will continue and get the season off to a good start.

Cultural Night:

Our Traditional Irish Music session takes place on the 2nd Friday of every month. Next session falls this Friday, 9th March. Singers & dancers are also very welcome. Looking forward to seeing you all there for what is promising to be a terrific night’s entertainment.



Dancing Classes are kicking off again, in the capable hands of Edel, Michelle & Paula. Classes will take place every Tuesday evening, starting on Tuesday 6th March, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Looking forward to seeing all the regulars, plus new comers alike!



At this stage all juvenile teams are up and running. Players are requested to attend training at assigned times. For the next couple of weeks, players are requested to take both boots and runners with them for indoor and outdoor training.



Club membership is now due and payable to club registrar, Marie Mc Entee.


Bingo takes place every Monday night in the complex.


Bowls every Thursday night in complex at 8.30pm. New members of all ages welcome. Coaching and Bowls will be provided.





There was no winner of last Monday night’s totto draw. The number sequence was as follows 6-7-5-1-8-2-4-3   €20 winners on the night:

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