Clontibret Notes 23.11.2023

By Mary McEneaney Tue 28th Nov

Annual General Meeting

The AGM for 2024 will take place at the clubrooms this Friday,  24th November at 8pm. The Secretary’s report has issued online. Any member who hasn’t received a copy or would like a printed copy should contact the Secretary directly at

CPR Training

Everyone involved in coaching should have some knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation as an emergency can arise at anytime in any age group. A two-hour CPR training course will be held in Clontibret Community Centre on Thursday 30th November from 7 to 9pm. To book a place contact 086 8099253.

The Late Jim Hughes

Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Jim Hughes Fedoo who died last week. Although a Tyholland man born and bred Jim was a lifelong supporter of Clontibret dating back to his friendship with the late “Big James” Hughes who used transport him to matches. In later times Jim worked at O’Neill Park on a CES scheme and for years thereafter never failed to show up on his trusty bicycle  to help steward at big games there.

Sympathy also to the family of the late Kathleen McDermott, Tullycorbet, who for many years was the mainstay of the Ulster Council office in Clones.

May they both rest in peace.

By Mary McEneaney Tue 28th Nov

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