Senior Championship
A big turn out is expected at O’Neill Park this Saturday at 6 o’clock as we take on Inniskeen in the next group game of the senior championship. This is followed by an away fixture against Scotstown on Sunday week, 17th, at 5pm.
Training to continue Friday evening 6pm .
Blitz at home this Saturday 10am start.
Training as usual Monday & Thursday at 6pm. Blitz away to Blayney on Saturday morning.
Training Monday & Thursday. Possible game v Inniskeen on Thursday. Management will be in touch with details.
Our defeat to Tyholland last weekend means the end of competitive action for this group for this year. Training however will continue every Tuesday for the coming weeks.
Game this Saturday at home v Truagh at 12pm.
Training Wednesday & Friday of this week at 7.15pm.
Club 240
Anyone coming around our club over the summer can’t fail to notice the ongoing improvement works that continue at pace. We have upgraded our dugouts and hope to have the old perimeter fencing replaced, which will be great for our supporters viewing games going forward. We are appealing to anyone who has not yet paid their 240 this year to do so as soon as possible. Any family that is a regular user of our facilities and can see the ongoing works, may consider joining, so as we can continue to provide the best experience for your children long into the future. Your €20 monthly standing order, goes directly to ongoing maintenance and improvements to our facilities, which in turn enhances the wellbeing of the whole community. Please ask any committee member for details of our club 240.
By Mary McEneaney Tue 3rd Oct