Week 1 of Monaghan Kellogss Cul Camps seen our coaches travel to Clontibret (175), Clones (100) and Blackhill (62). In total we had 337 boys and girls aged from 5 to 13 taking part in our camps. A really enjoyable week had by all , thanks to all our coaches who keep the children entertained all week. Additionally, thanks to our camp co-ordinators (full time coaching staff) for organising everything to ensure the camps went smoothly. Finally, a big thanks to the host clubs for the use of their excellent facilities, support and assistance with car park duties each day on the camp.
We also had great excitement in Blackhill and Clontibret when Colin Merrick & Niall Garland from our winning Monaghan Senior Hurling team attended the camp with the Lory Meagher cup that they won recently. Well done boys & thanks for attending the camp. See below a selection of photos from last weeks camps
This weeks camps (Week 2) we travel to Castleblayney Faughs, Monaghhan Harps and Corduff.
Week three of the camps we are in Doohamlet, Emyvale & Carrick. Both Emyvale and Carrick are fully booked with limited places still available in Doohamlet.
To register for the Doohamlet camp please go to https://www.kelloggsculcamps.gaa.ie/booking/?county=Monaghan&venue=2604&week=3
Any further questions please contact Paul O’Connor 086 8374827 or developmentmanager.monaghan@gaa.ie