Toome Club Notes 20.07.2023

By Mary McEneaney Wed 19th Jul

U11’s: The U11s played out their Spring League Final against Rockcorry on Friday last, 14th July, in St Victors Park. Despite the heacy rainfall all day, the spirits of these young ballers were not dampened and the rain more or less held off to facilitate the match. There was a great and enthusiastic turnout of supporters for both teams and they were well awarded with the display of football on show. This was a very entertaining match that was played at a fast tempo in great spirits with both teams giving it their all. Some fantastic scores were taken and some great blocks put in, these young ballers really did showcase their abilities. The improvement in the Toome footballers is huge credit to their coaches and mentors, Jack Wilson was awarded player of the match and all players received a county medal afterwards. The children then all went to the hall where they along with their parents and supporters enjoyed some well earned refreshments. Huge wll done tro all the players and coaches and huge thanks to our volunteers who made the eveing the success it was.    
U7s: Blitz in St Victors Park – Toome on Saturday 15th July, at 9:30am.These young ballers enjoyed a Blitz at Home on Saturday 15th July with a fantastic day had by all, with many headed to Croke Park afterwards. Well done to all players and thank you to the coaches.
U9’s: The Under 9’s will travel this Saturday for the All-County Blitz at Monaghan GAA headquarters in Cloghan.
Championship: The draw for the 2023 Intermediate Championship was completed on Monday 3rd July, Toome were drawn out in Group 1 along with Carrickmacross (seeded), Killanny, Sean McDermotts and Emyvale. Save the dates (all dates subject to change and are the weekend of the date shown): 13th August – Toome v Sean’s; 20th August – Emyvale v Toome; 27th August – Bye; 9th September Toome v Carrickmacross; 16th September – Killanny v Toome. #BeThe16thMan.
Intermediate League:  Toome face Monaghan Harps on Tuesday 25th July in the relegation play off in St Victors Park at 7:30pm. We will need the full support of the Toome faithfull, please be sure to come along and show your support for the team. #BeThe16thMan. 
Juvenile Training: The juveniles (4 – 11 years) continue to develop their skills with training each Tuesday evening at 6:30pm on the main field, see you all there.
Please spread the word to your friends, family, neighbours and relations, new children are always very welcome. Thanks to all our coaches/mentors who give their time so generously.
Gaelic 4 Mothers&Others: Please be sure to let friends and neighbours know of our Mothers&Others training, this continues each Thursday at 7:00pm in St Victors Park. The Gaelic 4Mothers&Others initiative sees women playing Ladies Gaelic Football in a fun, non-competitive and social environment. New members are joining each week so please spread the word, if you are interested, please contact Andrea Quinn on 087 678 6560.
Topsoil Wanted: Topsoil Wanted for Field Development. The Club is looking for topsoil to finish off the dressing of the banks along the walking track and for the extended pitch area. If you can assist or know of any topsoil available please get in contact with Eoghan Donaghy on 087 971 9810
Volunteers: If you would like to help the Club in any way at all, please get in touch with either Club Chairperson – Gene Cumiskey on 087 918 6629 or Club Secretary – Ryan McMahon on 087 743 1970. We really need the help in many areas, lining of the field, match day assistance, car parking, photography, announcing, live score updates, cleaners, servers, turnstile operators, score board operator, etc. If it is at all possible, that you can give to give the Club a few hours here and there please get in touch, we need your help especially if we are to succeed, this is all our Club and remember many hands make light work.
Astro Pitch: Pitches available for hire, if you would like to make a booking, please call on 089 965 1828 to secure your slot.

Development Works:  As work continues on the remaining sections of the concrete plinth, we will be focussing our attention to the field perimeter fence mesh next. If you can give any time at all it would be greatly appreciated. Please get in touch with either Club Chairperson – Gene Cumiskey on 087 918 6629 or Club Secretary – Ryan McMahon on 087 743 1970. We appreciate the efforts that everyone has shown and welcome any help that you can offer, remember this is all our club. #ÁrgClub    

Get Well Soon: The Club would like to extend well wishes to Patrick Walsh, Club Referee, who recently underwent heart surgery, all the Toome community extend best wishes to Paddy and he makes a speedy recovery, we look forward to seeing you on the field taking charge of matches soon.

News: If you have any news to be included in the Club notes please get in touch through social media or via any committee member.
By Mary McEneaney Wed 19th Jul

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