Castleblayney Faugh’s notes week beginning 25.05.2023

By Mary McEneaney Thu 25th May

Senior Fixtures: The senior B match is off this Wednesday night.
Seniors: Our senior men travel to take on Emyvale this coming Sunday, throw-in at 2.00pm.  Let’s hope they continue their good start to the league.
Our C team took on Blackhill on Saturday evening past in the Q/F of the McKeown.  Having beaten Carrick on the Wednesday before, hopes were high we could take our good form into the championship game.
In a low scoring first half both teams shot more wides than scores, halftime score Blackhill 0-02, Faughs 0-04. The second half was a tense affair with Blackhill getting the all important goal in the 22nd minute to go into the lead for the first time.
Despite our best efforts we were unable to get back into the game, final score Blackhill 1-09, Faughs 0-10.
With Aughnamullen conceding the RFL Div1B game this Wednesday, our next reserve game is the RFL Div3 game at home against Blackhill on Friday June 2nd at 8.00pm
U18 girls: U18 play the shield final v clones on Tuesday night in Dromhowan, come along and support the lads, our first final this year. Throw in at 7.30pmTraining Monday and Thursday from 7-8pm.
U12 girls: Training continues on Monday evening at St. Mary’s Park from 6:00-7:15pm. New players are always welcome.
U11 boys:
U10 girls: Training continues on Mondays at 6pm on the juvenile pitch. All new players welcome.
U9 boys: Training continues on Thursday evenings at St. Mary’s Park from 6:00-7:15pm. New players are always welcome.
Under 7’s: Under 6’s & 7’s have moved to the juvenile field. Training continues Thursday’s at 5.15pm. All new faces welcome.
Thank You: A massive thank u to Eddie Ruddy for volunteering to spray the weeds around St Marys Park. Other volunteers are required for painting and grass cutting. Please let any committee member know if you are available to help.
Fitness: Both of our walking tracks are open every evening and fully lit from dusk until 9pm. No dogs allowed.
Lotto: Play online or at the lotto boxes in SuperValu, at Coyle pharmacy or Watters Londis.
Bingo: Bingo returns to our lady’s concert hall this week. Our new jackpot starts at €1000, and congratulations to last week’s jackpot winner of €1950 Sarah McGrory from Monaghan.
Culture: Gaeltacht Scholarships open for anyone who has already applied to a college. Closing date 25th May. Contact Clare 0860702195 for details.
Culture: Acorn Life Spraoi Scór dates for National School children. Tráth na gCeist 15th June. Stage events 16th June. Contact Clare 0860702195 for details.
Congratulations: To our county minors on a terrific win against Derry, in the ulster minor championship, all roads lead to the Athletic grounds next Sunday to cheer on Dermot, Paul and all the lads, especially Max, Canice, Tom, John and Senan.
Good luck: We wish our senior county team every success against Derry in Celtic Park next weekend.
Advertising: Thank you to Gary O’Connor aka Blayney Barber for taking field signage. There are a number of slots still available for signage around the field. Thank you so all our new sponsors for taking up signage at the pitch. For further information please contact any committee member.
Volunteer: The club is seeking the assistance of event organisers, choreographers, and all-around helpers for our major fundraising event in November. If you feel u could help, please get in touch with any committee member.
Referees: There are severe shortage of referees within Monaghan. A good supply of referees in needed to ensure the smooth running of our games. Anyone interested in refereeing to contact any coach or committee member. Thank you.
Golf Classic: The club has rescheduled the Maurice Hanratty Cup Golf Classic until August this year. Updates via social media.

Music Festival: Big thank you to Francie McGeough who has been busy erecting the festival signage, please keep the August Bank Holiday weekend free, it’s going to be a mighty festival this year. It kicks off on the Thursday night with a non-alcoholic teenage disco, followed by the Friday night headlined by the tumbling paddy’s, Saturday night headlined by the whistling Donkeys and Sunday headlined by Mike Denver. Lots more acts throughout the weekend. Tickets are now on sale check out for the line up over the 4 days Thursday to Sunday 3rd to 6th of August.

By Mary McEneaney Thu 25th May

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