Tyholland Club Notes 06.04.2023

By Mary McEneaney Tue 4th Apr

Slotto: Our Slotto Jackpot of €12,200 last weekend was not won! The numbers drawn were

16, 21, 22, 25. Match 3 winners were Brendan McQuillan, Grant Bothwell, Catherine Treanor. Don’t forget to play your slotto online with the Clubforce app https://bit.ly/3dF91dK on our Facebook page to play again this week or you can still enter at Mackles Silverstream, Hughes Costcutter and at the centre! Jackpot this week has climbed to a whopping €12,300!!! We thank everyone who continues to support our Slotto draw which provides vital funds for the maintenance of our club.


Reserve League: Commiserations to our Reserve Men who were beaten by Cremartin last Sunday. They travel to Toome for a 2pm throw in this Sunday 9th April.

Minors: Well done to our U17’s who had a great win against Truagh last Tuesday….a great start to the season! They welcomed Oglaigh Naomh Buach on Tuesday evening…see social media for results.


U15s: Our U15 lads kick off their season with an away game against Aghabog Emmets this evening (Thursday). Throw in 7pm.


U13’s/U12’s: Our U13’s played Emyvale in the Spring League last Saturday & came away with a super win! Unfortunately, due to the extremely poor weather conditions, our U12 game V Inniskeen was called off.


U11’s: Our mighty U11’s are back in the thick of training & begin their season with a game this Saturday. See social media for details.


U9’s/U7’s/U5’s: Our future stars made a welcomed return to training last Thursday! It was great to see everyone back out! Training continues for this group every Thursday 6:30pm – 7:30pm. This session caters for boys & girls from 4-9 years of age. New faces are always welcome….spread the word! Please contact Alan Farrelly 086 3850435 if you have a child who may be interested in attending.




Reserve League: Our Senior Ladies game V Carrick was postponed for the 2nd time due to poor weather condition

U16’s: The U16 game that has been fixed for next Monday, 10th April v Scotstown has been postponed by the Co. Board. Updates will be provided to parents as soon as they are given to us.


U14’s: Our U14’s travelled to Emyvale on Monday past for their first game of the season, where unfortunately they came away without the win. Despite this they played some good football and gave their all! It’s great to see you back girls!


We wish all our teams and their management an enjoyable season ahead & thank our coaches and volunteers for their time & efforts. It is greatly appreciated by all.


Coaches: We are always looking for new members to get involved in coaching any of our teams and this year is no different. If you are interested in helping out, please give Peadar a call on 086 8371117 to find out more. No experience is necessary so nothing is stopping you!!!


Ulster Championship: If you’re interested in ordering tickets for the Tyrone V Monaghan Championship game on Sunday 16th April, please contact Siobhan on 0863470108 before 7pm this evening (Thursday)


Club Guardian Programme: At this point members have received information about our Club Guardian Programme. We hope that where possible everybody will get behind the club on this next phase of development to continue the growth and success our club has seen in recent years. Committee members will be in touch soon as a follow up to the communication you have received but if you have any questions in the meantime or would like to become part of the programme, please contact our treasurer Maria on 00447739010135 or any committee member.


Healthy Club Initiative: We are absolutely delighted to continue our engagement in the Healthy Clubs Initiative, which aims to help clubs to identify areas where they can or would like to improve, and enable clubs to continue to develop the physical, social, emotional & psychological health of its members and the local community.

There is lots to look forward to over the coming months, including our launch, details of which will be confirmed soon.

Thank you to everyone who attended our recent LA519-Pro Training-Mental Health First Aid course, facilitated by Carol from Pro Training & fully funded by LA519. Such beneficial training for a vital resource provided by LA519. You can text LA519 to 50808 to get instant help with any issue that is troubling you. Thank you to Pro Training and LA519 for your incredible work.


First Aid Course: The club have secured another First Aid training course this year to run over 2 evenings: 16th & 25th May. If any parent has an interest in attending this course, please contact our Children’s Officer Grainne on 0868538757.


Walking Track: Our walking track is currently closed for the next few weeks as we undergo maintenance works around the pitch. Please note our main pitch is also closed until further notice.


Tyholland Senior Gym: Our Gym is strictly for Senior registered players only. There have been a few incidents of non- members and U18s using the Gym and this is NOT permitted.


Membership: Any person who has not yet paid their membership for the coming year can contact club registrar Michelle. You can also pay online with the link on Facebook. The fees remain unchanged at the following rates; Family €100, Player €75, Student Player €50, Juvenile €30 (must register with an adult) Non Player €50 and Senior (65+) €25. We would encourage you to pay your membership asap as players are not insured to play or train until fully paid up.


Community Games: The Area Athletic Finals will be held at the football field on Sunday 16th April at 11am. Please see their Facebook page for a list of available athletic events.

Art & Handwriting competitions will be held in Tyholland Community Centre on Saturday 29th April from 4-6pm.


Rounders: Calling all adults interested in a bit of sport this year! We are delighted to be setting up our very first adult rounders team. You must be a registered member to join up. If you are interested in joining please contact Peadar on 086 8371117 or Brendan on 087 6324068.


Field Development: You will all have seen the first of our generous sponsors signs along the newly developed pitch. If anyone is interested in sponsoring a sign please contact Pauline on 086 8338044 or Maria on 0044 7739 010135 for more details.


Community Centre: The community centre and bar are available for hire for parties,

christening’s and charity events. Contact the Facebook page to book your event or call 086

8222426 to check availability.


Parent & Toddler Group: Continues every 1st & 3rd Friday in the community centre. For more information, you can contact Louise on 0044 7821554012 or Helen on 086 3491730. All welcome.


School Enrolment: Our two fabulous schools are open for September 2023 enrolment. You can contact Scoil Bhríde, Leitrim on 047 84977 or Scoil Padraig, Garron on 047 85378.


Condolences: To Gary & Michelle Treanor & family on the passing of Gary’s father, Francie Treanor, Cortovlin View. Our deepest sympathy also to Anna Hamill & family on the death of her sister Mary Rose O’Neill, Tydavnet & to Carol Quinlan & family on the passing of her niece Kate Molly Colum, Co. Roscommon. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha.


We hope all our members and their families have a lovely Easter break.

By Mary McEneaney Tue 4th Apr

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