Our nursery for U-5’s & U7’s return this Saturday 10-11am in OLSS sports hall. All are welcome.
Social Centre:
Our social centre is open from 8pm nightly.
For social centre members bookings contact Hugh Cullen on 0862541200
Coming Soon Jordan Dennis, Live Jive Music Night Saturday March 18th.
Bingo every Thursday night 8pm
The jackpot is €2650 this week on 46 calls.
Emeralds Lotto:
1st Edel McGarrell
2nd Sharon McCann
3rd Shane Farrell
Club Membership 2023:
Our Luacht Tacaiochta An Mhullach Dubh membership level €100 includes annual club lotto membership, entry into a draw for All-Ireland Final tickets and an annual clubwear gift. This membership may be renewed using the online option below or by contacting the registrar Aiden Little or Secretary Matthew Callan. Standard club Membership 2023 is €20 for adults either social or full and €10 for juveniles. Both new and existing members need membership for insurance purposes to be in our grounds. There are three renewal options for renewal. Option1: Online GAA Foireann App. Navigate to Monaghan, Blackhill, Memberships. All renewal options are available. Option 2 Online Banking SEPA Payment BIC: AIBKIE2D IBAN: IE26AIBK93242601063288 Include your name and address in the note field. Option 3: Place an envelope with your name, address and €20 fee /adult, €10/ juvenile in the club post box located at the side of the social centre.
HOME SECURITY INFORMATION EVENT: Garda Mick Duffy, Crime Prevention Officer along with local Community Gardaí will give a talk on home security in Blackhill GAA Social Centre on Wednesday 15th March at 7.45pm. In light of recent burglaries in the locality this meeting should be of interest to many in the community. So please come along and hear what we can all do to protect our property and hopefully prevent these criminals from targeting our homes.
We express our sympathy to the family of the late Brian Murphy, Mullyash. Ar dheis Dé go raibh se.
Jiving Gym classes:
Classes Tuesday nights 7pm – 8:00 pm then 8:15 pm – 9:15 pm running for 4 weeks. No booking or partner needed, simply turn up.
By Mary McEneaney Wed 1st Mar