Tyholland Club Notes 16.02.23

By Mary McEneaney Thu 16th Feb

Slotto: Our Slotto Jackpot of €11,500 last weekend was not won! The numbers drawn were

5,20,27,28. We had 4 match three winners this week; Claire McMeel, Brendan Hamilton, Jackie Smith and Mandy McGuinness who share in the €100 match 3 pot! Don’t forget to play your slotto online with the Clubforce app https://bit.ly/3dF91dK on our facebook page to play again this week or you can still enter at Mackles Silverstream, Hughes Costcutter and at the centre! Jackpot this week has climbed to a whopping €11,600!!! We thank everyone who continues to support our Slotto draw which provides vital funds for the maintenance of our club.


PITCH CLOSED: There is strictly no entry allowed onto our main pitch until MARCH 1st to allow the pitch to recover following sanding. The training pitch is still available for training sessions.

Coaches: We are always looking for new members to get involved in coaching any of our teams and this year is no different. If you are interested please give Peadar a shout on 086 8371117 to find out more. No experience is necessary so nothing is stopping you!!!

Operation Transformation: We are continuing in RTE’s Operation Transformation Ireland Lights Up programme with our new walking track! This the countries biggest walking initiative and it is open to club AND non-club members until Thursday 2nd March!!! The track is open Monday, Wednesdayy and Friday from 7pm. So we are calling everyone to become involved in this nationwide initiative opened to the entire community. You can register on the MY Life app from Irish Life. Download the ‘MyLife’app. Select Social, Select Challenges, Select pending, Select Ulster GAA – Every Steps Counts 2023 and Select Tyholland! See facebook for more info! Remember we have a no dogs policy folks so leave the pooches at home… We hope to see you all there enjoying our new walking track, getting some exercise in and catching up with friends…

Tyholland Senior Gym: Our Gym is strictly for Senior registered players only. There have been a few incidents of non- members and U18s using the Gym and this is NOT permitted.


GALA Night: We are holding a Gala night on 25th February to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the 1971 and 1973 Dr Ward Cup Winning teams and the 25th Anniversary of the 1996 Junior Championship winners and the 1997 All Ireland Mini 7s winning teams. Tickets are limited and are available in the Club Bar or by contacting Maria on 0044 7739010135 or at the club on Friday evening. The doors open at 7pm with a Buffet served, presentations and Dancing the night away!! These tickets are great value and will be sold out fast so get yours before they are all gone!!


Membership: Our club registrar Michelle will be in the club on Friday evening this week collecting memberships. You can also pay online with the link on facebook. The fees remain unchanged at the following rates; Family €100, Player €75, Student Player €50, Juvenille €30 (must register with an adult) Non Player €50 and Senior (65+) €25. We would encourage you to pay your membership asap as players are not insured to play or train until fully paid up.


Gaeltacht Scholarships: Ulster Ladies have application forms available for scholarships to the Gaeltacht this year. There will be one awarded per county and anyone applying must be a registered member of LGFA. Contact Helen on 086 3491730 for more details!


Rounders: Calling all adults interested in a bit of sport this year! We are delighted to be setting up our very first adult rounders team. You must be a registered member to join up. If you are interested in joining up please contact Peadar on 086 8371117 or Brendan on 087 6324068.


Field Development: You will all have seen the first of our generous sponsors signs along the newly developed pitch. If anyone is interested in sponsoring a sign please contact Barbara on 086 8222426 or Maria on 0044 7739 010135 for more details.


Community Centre: The community centre and bar are available for hire for parties,

christening’s and charity events. Contact the Facebook page to book your event or call 086

8222426 to check availability.


Parent & Toddler Group: The community centre committee are delighted to announce that they will be hosting a mother and toddler group on the first and third Friday of each month beginning this week!!! The group is looking for help from a local volunteer(s). This would be a lovely group to be part of so for more information you can contact Louise on 0044 7821554012 or Helen on 086 3491730.


School Enrolment: Our two fabulous schools are open for September 2023 enrolment. You can contact Scoil Bhríd, Leitrim on 047 84977 or Scoil Padraig, Garron on 047 85378.


Tyholland Bowls: The Bowls are welcoming new members! The Bowls group meet in the community centre every Tuesday night from 8.00. You can contact Patricia on 047 85098 for more details! There is also a new bowls group on Wednesday mornings from 11am for anyone interested.


Tyholland ICA: The ICA ladies group continue to meet the first Thursday of every month at

8.30pm in the centre. New members are welcome! Contact Mona on 087 6874468 for more information!


WANTED: Folks we are looking for photos or newspaper clippings from our 1971/73 and 1996/97 winning teams for our big Gala night, if anyone has anything relevant please contact me on 086 8222426… Thank you!


Condolences: We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to Maggie Hughes and the Hughes and Traynor families on the recent death of little Ruby Traynor. We also sympathise with the Coyle and Finnegan families on the death of Julia Finnegan, Birmingham. We were also saddened to loose club stalwart Frank Lennon last weekend. Frank was an integral part of our club since even before its inception. He was a Tyholland man through and through and will be sadly missed from the sidelines at games and training sessions. Our deepest sympathies to the Lennon family. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a nanamacha.

By Mary McEneaney Thu 16th Feb

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