Killeevan Club Notes 16.2.23

By Mary McEneaney Thu 16th Feb

Spraoi ‘is Aclaíocht 4- 8 Bliain d’aois / Fun and Fitness for 4-8’s

There was a tremendous turn out of 4-8 year olds for Fun and Fitness last week. We hope to see you again this Saturday morning in the Acorn Centre from 10-11am.

Scóláireachtaí Gealtachta ar fáil! Gaeltacht Scholarships available

Ulster Ladies GAA are offering nine €250 Gaeltacht Scholarships to LGFA registered players. Email Caroline Brady on for an application. Closing date: 24th March. Mólann CLG Chill Laobháin a mbaill iarratas a chur isteach don scéim seo. Killeevan GAA would like to encourage its young members to apply for a scholarship; other scholarships are available under the Monaghan County Council scheme, look up their Website for more info or call 047 30500. Ádh mór.

Monaghan GAA Safe Talk

On Thursday 23rd February Monaghan GAA are holding free training in SafeTALK – Suicide Prevention Awareness for Club members to attend. It is on for one evening for 3.5 hours and they encourage people 18+ to attend, they will share some skills that may help reduce the risk of suicide. Numbers are limited and booking is essential. Email John at


Lights Up Ireland – Walking Challenge

We are into the last two weeks of Lights Up @ Killeevan Sarsfields GAA Club Grounds. Come along to our walking group every Tuesday and Thursday 7pm to 8pm. Get out and Get Active. Tá fáilte roimh achan duine / All welcome.


Wellness for Parents

Wellness Coaching began last Sunday in the Club Rooms at Cumann Peile na Sáirséalaigh from 5:15-6pm. This course is provided by ‘Wellness from Within’ and will continue for the next three weeks. Booking essential via Whatsapp to Shauna on 0870691371. Topics covered include: Self-care, healthy emotional release, journaling, breath-work and meditation. It is supported by Monaghan Sports Partnership through Cumann Peile na Sáirséalaigh Chill Laobháin. Cost €2 per night.


Ranganna Damhsa Líne! Line Dancing Classes

There has been a great show of Line Dancers in the Acorn Centre on Monday nights from 7:30-8:30pm. Classes will run for another 2 weeks at a cost of €2 per night. This course is supported by Monaghan Sports Partnership in conjunction with Cumann Peile na Sáirséalaigh Chill Laobháin. Tá fáilte roimh achan duine / All welcome.


Crannchur ar Líne/Lotto on Line

There was no winner of the Lotto Jackpot on 12th February. Numbers drawn were 11, 26, 27 and 29. Winner of the €30 Lucky Dip was the Mc Philips Family (Guardhill) who are getting closer to the Jackpot! €20 winners were Alan Mc Geough (Newbliss) and Celine Mc Govern (Clones); our online winners were Mary Maguire and Mark Mc Kenna. Next weeks Lotto Jackpot is €12,400. Go raibh mile maith agaibh to all in the community who continue to support our Club Lotto and to our Lotto Teams for making it all possible. Play in local shops or online: Live draw on Sunday night at 9pm.


This weeks team is Foireann 1

Breda McCooey (Ceannaire), Gerry Freeman, Brendan Tynan, Patrick Leonard agus Anthony Murphy

By Mary McEneaney Thu 16th Feb

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