Tyholland Club Notes 05.01.2023

By Mary McEneaney Sat 14th Jan

Happy New Year! We would like to wish all our members, families, friends, sponsors and supporters both at home and away a happy and healthy new year. We look forward to a busy exciting season ahead for all our teams. Athbhliain faoi mhaoise daoibh go léir.


Slotto: Our Slotto Jackpot of €10,900 last weekend was not won! The numbers drawn were

3,16,19,28. We had 7 match three winnerd this week; Jimmy Askin, Des & Maura Finnegan, Brendan McQuillan, Brenda Maxwell, Fiona McCleary, Aine Mohan and Kevin Kavanagh! Don’t forget to play your slotto online with the new Clubforce app https://bit.ly/3dF91dK on our facebook page to play again this week or you can still enter at Mackles Silverstream, Hughes Costcutter and at the centre! Jackpot this week has climbed to a whopping €11,000!!! We thank everyone who continues to support our Slotto draw which provides vital funds for the maintenance of our club.


Coaches: We are always looking for new members to get involved in coaching any of our teams and this year is no different. If you are interested please give Peadar a shout on 086 8371117 to find out more. No experience is necessary so nothing is stopping you!!!


Walking Track: We are delighted to welcome all our members to St Patrick’s Park this winter when we will light up the main pitch walkway every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6pm until 9pm. If you are not already registered as a member and are interested in using our facilities, please feel free to contact Club Registrar Michelle on 086 89078240 who will be happy to arrange your membership!


Christmas Charity Match: Thank you all so much for your generosity at our Annual Christmas Charity match on December 27th resulting in a massive €1500 of donations which is being donated to the Kevin Bell Repatriation Fund. A great day was had by all and a good chance to catch up with neighbours and friends over the festive season. Massive congratulations to our Double Reserve Winning Team who were recognised and received their medals that evening. Congratulations also to our Player of the Year Award recipients namely, Ladies 2021 Cliodhna McArdle, Ladies 2022 Grainne Treanor and to Dara McKenna who received the Reserve POTY 2022 and Darragh Treanor recipient of 2022 Senior POTY! Thanks to the community centre committee for providing the refreshments and to county Chairman Declan Flannagan for his encouraging words and presenting the awards.


Field Development: You will all have seen the first of our generous sponsors signs along the pitch during the Charity game. If anyone is interested in sponsoring a sign please contact Barbara on 086 8222426 or Maria on 0044 7739 010135 for more details.


Community Centre: The community centre and bar are available for hire for parties,

christening’s and charity events. Contact the Facebook page to book your event or call 086

8222426 to check availability.


Tyholland Bowls: The Bowls are back and they are welcoming new members! The Bowls group meet in the community centre every Tuesday night from 8.00. You can contact Patricia on 047 85098 for more details! There is also a new bowls group on Wednesday mornings from 11am for anyone interested.


Tyholland ICA: The ICA ladies group continue to meet the first Thursday of every month at

8.30pm in the centre. New members are welcome! Contact Mona on 087 6874468 for more information!


Congratulations: Congrats to Bobby Walker and Dara McKenna on making the Monaghan U20 squad. We look forward to following you in all your games in the season ahead!


Condolences: We offer our sincere sympathies to Karl O’Connell and family and the Dunne family on the sad death of Karls father Joe. Condolences are also extended to Martina Duffy

and family on the passing of Martinas mother Dympna Treanor and to the Donnelly family, Emyvale on the death of Marion. Suaimhneas síoraí dá n-anam.

By Mary McEneaney Sat 14th Jan

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