
Congratulations to our Bar Manager Emma Murphy who recently got engaged to her partner Dean. Wishing you both all the best!

Well done to Oram GFC who was the winner of the Bank of Ireland Ulster GAA Community Support Award for Monaghan at the Ulster GAA Awards on Saturday held in Armagh.
Best Wishes
Sending our best wishes to Jason Irwin and the Monaghan County Panel as they face Armagh in this weekends McKenna Cup game which takes place in the Castleblayney Faughs Field Saturday at 6:30pm!
Ireland Lights Up

Well done to all the walkers who took part in our 3rd week of Ireland Lights up last night. It is great to see more new people joining us each week! Week 4 takes place next Wednesday evening from 7pm on the Oram walking track.
All walking track members welcome!
Membership for the walking track is
€20 per person or €35 for a family – this can be paid in the shop or to any committee member.
National Draw Tickets

This draw closes shortly and we ask those with sold tickets to return them to any committee member. All money raised will go towards the new walking track which cost in excess of €118,000
We received 70% funding from Leader Funding which means we have to raise the remaining 30%. Almost €20,000 has already been raised through fundraising events such as last year’s Big Tom golf classic, but in excess if €10,000 still needs to be raised in order to meet our final payment obligations in the next few months. All help and support greatly appreciated

Any businesses interested in sponsoring a board around the new Oram Walking track please get in touch with any committee member. All sponsorship is greatly appreciated.

The club wishes to extend our condolences to Ronan Cunningham and his family following the recent passing of his father Bertie Cunningham (Derryconnor, Co.Meath).
Our sympathy also goes to the Mone family on the recent passing of Pat Tomany, (Carna).
We would also like to extend our sympathy to the Geoghegan family on the passing of Mai Geoghegan, grandmother of our senior player Conor Hamilton
The Club is saddened to hear of the sudden passing of one Rockcorry GAAs juvenile players, Odhran Connolly. We would like to express our deepest sympathy to his parents, Paddy and Lisa, brothers Oisin, Tiarnach and Padraig, sister Aoibhinn and the extended Connolly and Sheridan Families.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
Coffee Morning 

On Sunday the 19th of February there will be a coffee morning in Oram GFC Centre from 10:30am. This is to help raise funds for the upkeep of the community defibrillator. Tea, coffee and refreshments will be served! Everyone welcome!
St Patrick’s Day Parade

We are seeking any up and coming artists who want to perform in the centre after the parade, please get in touch if interested! Any businesses, groups etc wishing to get involved, please contact
Louise – 0872475723