By Mary McEneaney Sat 14th Jan



Next Jackpot is €6,400 (8th January 2023)

*** Please Note from Sunday 6th November 2022 our Lotto Draw will take place at 8.30pm. All lotto Envelopes must be left in St Mellan’s by 8pm each Sunday.***

Lotto Sponsorship:

If anyone is interested in sponsoring our Club lotto, either weekly or monthly, please contact any Committee member.

Liathroid Laimhe.

St Mellan’s Handball Club

Juvenile County Championships. We are hosting the juvenile single county championship finals on Sunday in St.Mellans, we have 8 club players in action representing the club, in the girls U12’s is Beibhinn Mc Cluskey, in the U12 boys is Shay Mc Kenna, in the U13 boys is Odhran Mc Meel, the girls U14’s is an all club affair with Leah Mc Carron & Fionnuala Mohan, in the boys U14’s is Harry Treanor, in the U15 boys is Myles Mc Meel and in the boys U16 final is Donnacha Mc Cluskey, all have put in a great effort to get there so let’s hope for big final push to the summit, good luck to all from all in the club, full report next week.

Adult County Championships. The adult county championships will resume now in the new year, so please double check and make sure all know the time & place, good luck to all taking part, all players must wear “club colours” when playing in county games, also county doubles only around the corner, so get teamed up and practicing.

Mono League. The Mono league knock out games will be sorted out this week, good luck to all teams that made it!

Adult Club Singles & Doubles. We will be soon starting the adult singles & doubles in the club, so when a message goes out please reply to Eoin ASAP with an answer, and anyone that couldn’t commit to the league but wants to play singles or doubles get your name into Eoin ASAP.

Juvenile Coaching & Leagues. We be resuming juvenile leagues and coaching next week, so messages will be sent out, we also hope to set up a new league structure to bring us up the end of the handball season and to end on an exciting conclusion!!!!!!!



Registration. If any member still hasn’t paid their “club Membership” can do so through Foireann,, so go to and get registered and paid up, any issues contact a member of the committee, NB players are not eligible to play in county, provincial or All Ireland events if not registered with Croke Park.

County Table Quiz. Monaghan County Handball will be holding a table quiz in “Terrys Bar” Monaghan town this Friday evening January the 6th @ 8:30pm, so keep the date free!!!!, blow a few feathers off after Christmas.

Meetings. Our next club meeting is on Monday evening January the 9th.

Club Notes : If you would like to have something included in our weekly notes, please email – cut off for inclusion is 9pm on Monday evenings.

By Mary McEneaney Sat 14th Jan

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