Monaghan County Handball Notes 15/11/2022

By Mark McDonnell Tue 15th Nov

Monaghan County Handball Notes 15/11/2022
Monaghan County Handball Notes 15/11/2022

Club Notes

Emyvale Handball Club Notes:
Dublin Wallball Series – Further Success for Gallagher!
Well done to Callum Gallagher who reached the Men’s A Final in last weekend’s North Eastern Wallball Open 2022 organised and hosted by Brian Boru’s, St.Brigids & O’Raghallaighs Handball Clubs. Callum, fresh from recent appearances in the Ulster Wallball Championships (where he lost out to the eventual Grade winner) and the Dublin Wallball Open (where he took home the B title only two months ago) beat Waterford’s Anthony Fitzgerald in the Semi-Final 21-18 to book his slot in the Final against Louth’s Billy Caddell. Callum was unlucky not to bring the Title home on this occasion however, losing out on a final scoreline of 21-19 to Caddell. We’re sure Callum will be back fighting & ready to go to bring home Gold in the next edition of the Dublin Wallball Series!
North Eastern Wallball Open Men's A Final - Billy Caddell (Louth) dft Callum Gallagher (Emyvale) 21-19
Emyvale Handball Clubshop Now Open
Our Online Club shop is now LIVE with Playr-Fit – be sure to get your orders in ASAP ahead of the order deadline of November 28th
St Mellan’s Handball Club Notes:
Ulster Interclub Championships. We entered 2 teams into the “Ulster Interclub Junior B Championships” last weekend, Patrick McKenna, Gary McKenna, Joe Kelly, Colin Donnelly and Dermot Boyle travelled to Kingscourt to take on Kingscourt but lost 90-43, then our 2nd team of Christopher Mc Kenna (PJ), Ian Treanor, Fergal O’Neill, Eoin Treanor played Killyclogher in St. Mellans on Saturday morning, CPJ won his singles 15-2, 15-1, then Ian & Eoin took the doubles match 15-9, 15-4, this left Fergal to secure the points needed in his first game to win which he did and after that Killyclogher conceded, there was time to rest as Sunday morning the 4 had to travel to take on Beragh in Beragh in the “Ulster Semi-Final”, again CPJ dispatched his opponent in style 15-1, 15-2, Ian & Eoin also performed and won 15-12, 15-11, again leaving Fergal in a strong position to take the required points to advance to the Ulster final, which Fergal did in his first game and this left Bergah conceding the game, now the 4 take on either Kingscourt or Carrickmore again in Beragh this Sunday coming the 20th @ 12 noon, good luck men, all support welcome.

Intermediate Singles Final. The County Intermediate Singles Final between Christopher McKenna (D) and Paul Cassidy of Tydavnet was postponed and will be played this Sunday November 20th in Corduff, good luck Christopher, all support welcome.

Juvenile Coaching & Leagues. The stronger juveniles have had their first round of league fixtures completed over the weekend, all seemed to run smoothly, any issues from a player, coach or parent aspect please contact us to sort, all coaches are allowed to adjust rules withing each league to suit the players, the leagues will give them more game time and to practise all that has been showing in the coaching, we are still running the coaching as per normal slots and we also encourage extra practise when possible, just book as per new digital booking system using the “QR” code on display throughout the complex, we will also organise a league for the beginners in the next few weeks to get them in to the rhythm of game structure, softer rules will be in operation to suit.

Juvenile Blitz. Keep in mind of the Ulster underage Blitz on the 4th of December in Saval Co.Down, open to girls and boys 9-12 years.

Court Bookings. Check the “QR” codes around the courts for the new digital booking system for the “booking” ofthe alleys, any problems contact Eoin and all will be sorted.

County Championships. The club have entered 74 players for both adult & juvenile into the county for the championships, so get as much extra practise in along with internal leagues as possible to the build-up of the championship games.

Mono League. The Mono league is ongoing, any problems let the committee know, any games not played get sorted ASAP by captains please!!!!!!, can all captains send out messages to their team 48hrs in advance of each game to ensure all have a full team and all know about “game and time”.

Table Quiz. Keep free the 2nd of December as we are running our annual Table quiz in the complex for the handball club, usual rules apply so get a team of 4 and get your thinking caps on and keep an eye on local news!!!!!, on the night we will be having our presentation of the juvenile awards and a few outstanding adult ones also, so a good night for all, refreshments will be served.

Committee Meeting. Our next committee meeting is taking place on Tuesday November 22nd @8.30pm, see all then.

By Mark McDonnell Tue 15th Nov

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