St.Mellans Handball Club Notes
Ulster Colleges Soft Ball 60 X 30. Hard to Fiona Flood representing Colaiste Oiriall as she was defeated in the All Ireland Colleges Soft Ball 60 X 30 Girls Senior Singles semi-final, in the semi she met the hard hitting Jodie Keeling from Selskar College Co.Wexford, Jodie’s experience was too much on the day, and Fiona lost 15-1, 15-0, Calum Sherry representing St.Macartans College lost his Boys Junior Singles All Ireland Final to Caleb Donnellan of Colaiste Baile Clár Co. Galway 15-3, 15-1, the skill difference on show was not a factor in these games it just our players aren’t exposed to the 60 X 30 game and when entering it haven’t had the experience and level of play that we are meeting down south, but the re-furb of Clara and maybe a short 60 X 30 league within the county might help improve our results in the code within handball, we had a mix up in fixture cancelations which left Dylan Mc Kenna & Donnacha Mc Cluskey not getting a game in the BID semi-final, but still an enjoyable day for all and we got to see a lot of the top juveniles at the level which has left food for thought going forward.

2022 All Ireland Colleges Softball Handball Boys Junior Singles Finalist Callum Sherry (St Macartan’s College) and Girls Senior Singles Semi-Finalist Fiona Flood of Coláiste Oiriall
Ulster Interclub Championships. We have 2 teams entered in to the Ulster Interclub Championships this weekend, Christopher Mc Kenna (PJ), Ian Treanor, Fergal O’Neill, Eoin Treanor play Killyclogher in St. Mellans @ 11am this Saturday morning and Patrick McKenna, Gary McKenna, Joe Kelly, Colin Donnelly and Dermot Boyle take on Kingscourt in Kingscourt tonight (Thursday) @ 7:30pm, good luck to both teams, if victorious they are all out next weekend again.
Intermediate Singles Final. Due to covid there have been a few outstanding county finals to be played, Christopher McKenna (D) takes on Paul Cassidy representing Tydavnet in the Intermediate Singles Final in Corduff this Sunday November 13th, good luck Christopher.
Juvenile Coaching & Leagues. By end of this week we have all the older juveniles broken up into a league format to try and give them more game time and to practise all that has been showing in the coaching, we are still running the coaching as per normal slots and we also encourage extra practise when possible, just book as per new digital booking system using the “QR” code on display throughout the complex, we will also organise a league for the beginners in the next few weeks to get them in to the rhythm of game structure, we will adjust rules to suit all leagues.
Juvenile Blitz. Keep in mind of the Ulster underage Blitz on the 4th of December in Saval Co.Down, open to girls and boys 9-12 years.
Court Bookings. The new digital booking system for “booking” the alleys set up by Damon & Eoin seems to be working well, Shane has put up around the alleys sheets showing the “already” booked slots and the “QR” codes needed to book, any problems contact Eoin and all should be able to sort easily enough.
Adult County Championships. By now the county have received all names of both adult and juvenile for the county championships, good luck to all going forward to represent the club.
Mono League. The Mono league is running smoothly apart from a few blips, we have had to make a few changes to personal due to withdrawals and injuries, and on injuries get well soon to Michael Treanor(P), John Treanor Drumbriston and John Mc Carron, hope to see all back soon, any
games not played get sorted ASAP by captains please!!!!!!, can all captains send out messages to their team 48hrs in advance of each game to ensure all have a full team and all know about “game and time”.
Table Quiz. Keep free the 2nd of December as we are running our annual Table quiz in the complex for the handball club, usual rules apply so get a team of 4 and get your thinking caps on and keep an eye on local news!!!!!, on the night we will be having our presentation of the juvenile awards and a few outstanding adult ones also, so a good night for all, refreshments will be served.