Our Kelloggs Cul Camps programme for 2021 concluded this week in Latton. We could not have asked for better weather for our final week with the sun shining all week. The camp is Latton saw 97 boys and girls aged from 6 to 13 attending the camp for the week. The children got to experience the full enjoyment of a Kellogg’s Cul Camp with a full range of fun games and activities throughout the week. Each of the participants who attended the camps got an opportunity to play football, hurling, camogie and rounders.
Monaghan Coaching & Games staff would like to thank the Latton club for the use of their facilities for the week and volunteers who ensured the traffic plan went very well each day throughout the camp. Additionally, a huge well done to all coaches & camp co-ordinators for their help throughout the week and we hope everyone enjoyed the wonderful weather and fun games at camp.
See below for a selection of photos from the Latton Cul Camp…..