Free ‘walk-in and online self-referral’ pop-up COVID-19 test centre will open in Monaghan Town for 2 days on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th of August

By Mary McEneaney Thu 12th Aug

Free ‘walk-in and online self-referral’ pop-up COVID-19 test centre will open in Monaghan Town for 2 days on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th of August
Free ‘walk-in and online self-referral’ pop-up COVID-19 test centre will open in Monaghan Town for 2 days on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th of August

A free ‘walk-in and online self-referral’ COVID-19 testing site at St. Joseph’s Pastoral Centre, Market Road, Monaghan Town, Co. Monaghan, H18 VK77 will open for 2 days on Saturday, August 14th and Sunday, August 15th.

Opening hours are:

Saturday, August 14th        10am – 6pm

Sunday, August 15th          10am – 6pm

People will have the option to book an appointment online for a free COVID-19 test on the HSE online self-referral portal:, or attend the pop-up test centre in Monaghan Town without an appointment and wait for a COVID-19 test.

The addition of the online booking facility for the pop-up COVID-19 test centre in Monaghan helps to manage the numbers of people attending for a test at any time and minimises the length of time people may have to wait for their test.

The free ‘pop-up’ COVID-19 test centre in Monaghan Town is open to members of the public of any age. The centre is being set up due to an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in the younger population in Monaghan in recent weeks. This includes a number of small clusters of cases with house gatherings as the main contributor.

Members of the public will need to bring a photo ID and provide a mobile phone number in order to provide test results.

The temporary walk-in COVID-19 test centre is an operation led by HSE Public Health Department North East, Community Healthcare Organisation Area 1 and the National Ambulance Service to identify cases of COVID-19 and reduce further transmission in the community.

Dr Augustine Pereira, Director of Public Health North East, said: “With a rate of 667.9/100000 which is double the national incidence rate, Monaghan is the county with the second highest rate in the county. I am encouraging people in Monaghan to avail of a free COVID-19 test at the pop-up test centre at St. Joseph’s Pastoral Centre in Monaghan Town on Saturday and Sunday this weekend. The online advance booking system helps make COVID-19 testing more available and accessible, and those seeking a COVID-19 test can choose to book a test online and schedule it at a time that suits you.”

”Testing is crucial to prevent and control outbreaks and it is possible to be positive with COVID-19 but not have any symptoms. By taking a COVID-19 test when you don’t have symptoms, you will help to stop the spread of the virus, protect other people and save lives. Your support and commitment is vital in ensuring that we suppress the spread of this virus in our community.”

“We cannot let our guard down now. It is really important that we continue to follow public health advice in particular to avoid crowds, limit contacts, wear a mask, wash hands frequently and work from home where possible. This includes people who are fully vaccinated and those waiting for their second dose of the vaccine.”

“If you experience symptoms of COVID-19, please isolate and seek a free PCR test as soon as possible. Common COVID-19 symptoms of the Delta variant that is the circulating strain now also include a sore throat, runny nose or headaches. It is important for people with mild symptoms to also seek a free test.”

Dr Pereira added: “I would also like to urge you to avail of the COVID-19 vaccine, the registration portal opens tomorrow for children aged 12-15 years old. The more of us who are vaccinated, the more protection there will be for us all. More than 300 people received a COVID-19 vaccine last weekend at the walk-in vaccination clinic at the Glencarn Hotel in Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan and many more through the appointment system. Vaccination protects our communities and prevents serious infections needing hospitalisations, so get vaccinated now.”

John Hayes, Chief Officer Community Healthcare Organisation, Area 1 (Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan & Sligo) said: “Walk-in test centres remain an important part of the HSE’s response to COVID-19. It has proven to be quite successful in detecting and containing cases of the infection. I would urge people of the Monaghan area to attend for a test which is quick and convenient. Availing of COVID-19 testing, even when you don’t have symptoms, helps to stop the further spread of COVID-19 and protects our communities. I would like to thank the administration team and National Ambulance Service for their support in setting up the temporary testing centre at St. Joseph’s Pastoral Centre in Monaghan Town.”

Paul Clifford, Deputy Chief Executive of Monaghan County Council is encouraging the people of Monaghan to use the pop-up testing facility.

“We would encourage anyone in the Monaghan and surrounding areas to take up this opportunity for free testing as it will help contain the spread of COVID-19. I want to thank everyone in Monaghan for playing their part and would urge you to continue to follow public health advice and adhere to the government guidelines. We are also urging businesses to encourage their staff to avail of this test centre, which is located at St. Joseph’s Pastoral Centre, Monaghan (H18 VK77).”

Up to date information on the location and opening days and times of COVID-19 walk-in test centres is available at COVID-19 walk-in test centres:

By Mary McEneaney Thu 12th Aug

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