Kelloggs Cul Camps up and running, with week 2 of Camps heading to Castleblayney & Monaghan Harps

By chris Fri 2nd Jul

Kelloggs Cul Camps up and running, with week 2 of Camps heading to Castleblayney & Monaghan Harps
Kelloggs Cul Camps up and running, with week 2 of Camps heading to Castleblayney & Monaghan Harps

Week 2 of our Kelloggs Cul Camps will see our coaches travel to Castleblayney Faughs & Monaghan Harps, both camps are fully booked up. Please note that you are not allowed to register for the camps on Monday morning.

Last Monday saw our Cul Camps programme for 2021 kick into action in Clontibret and Clones with 270 children participating in Gaelic Games for the week. The children got to experience the full enjoyment of a Kellogg’s Cul Camp with a full range of fun games and activities throughout the week. Each of the participants who attended the camps got an opportunity to play football, hurling, camogie and rounders.

Monaghan Coaching and Games would like to thank both clubs for their assistance in delivering the camps this week. In particular for providing volunteers to assist with the traffic plan that was in place every morning and afternoon at the camps. In addition to this we would to thank the parents, children, Club Covid supervisors/Contact, coaches and camp co-ordinators who participated in ensuring the camps went well for all involved.

A big thank you also to local boxing stars, Aaron and Stevie McKenna who paid a visit to the Clones camp on Friday.

See below a selection of photos from this weeks camps


By chris Fri 2nd Jul

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