A joint message from the Department of Public Health HSE North East, Cavan County Council and Monaghan County Council

By Mary McEneaney Wed 28th Jul

A joint message from the Department of Public Health HSE North East, Cavan County Council and Monaghan County Council
A joint message from the Department of Public Health HSE North East, Cavan County Council and Monaghan County Council

26th July, 2021: The Department of Public Health North East, Cavan County Council and Monaghan County Council are appealing to the people to continue to follow public health advice due to an increase in COVID-19 cases in Cavan and Monaghan in recent weeks.


Activities contributing to the increase in COVID-19 cases in the community include; indoor and outdoor social gatherings, family celebrations and house parties.


Dr Augustine Pereira, Director of Public Health North East, said: “The Department of Public Health North East has seen an increase in COVID-19 cases in Cavan and Monaghan. In the most recent week (wk29), we’ve seen a doubling of the number of cases in Monaghan. The majority of new cases in recent weeks have been in the unvaccinated age group. We ask if you are not yet vaccinated, to please continue to manage your contacts, meet outdoors, avoid crowded settings and not to socialise indoors as you await your vaccine. The 15-24 year age group accounted for over 30% of COVID-19 cases in Cavan and Monaghan last week. This is why we are urging everyone to be extra vigilant, act responsibly, and adhere to public health guidelines.”


“The high incidence rates we are seeing in the North East reflects how serious the situation can become in a matter of days and weeks. We have not seen this level of infection since early February, which is a worrying trend and shows that this virus is prevalent in our communities. 

“All of our collective hard work has contributed to the success of our vaccination programme and the progress we have made so far with reopening our economy and society.”

Dr Pereira added: “Please help us prevent the situation getting worse by following all public health advice now, in particular to avoid crowds, limit contacts, avoid meeting up indoors, wear a mask, wash hands frequently and work from home where possible. Above all, do not organise a house party.”

 “If you experience symptoms of COVID-19, please isolate and seek a free PCR test as soon as possible. Common COVID-19 symptoms of the Delta variant that is the circulating strain now also include a sore throat, runny nose or headaches. It is important at this point, for people with mild symptoms to also seek a free test.”


Cavan County Council Chief Executive, Tommy Ryan, said: “The people of Cavan have done tremendous work in keeping case numbers low in the county in recent months, but the increased transmissibility of the Delta variant means we cannot afford to be complacent. I would ask everyone in the county to continue to practice social distancing and take all precautions to slow the spread of this disease while the vaccination programme continues.


“By working together, we can once again bring our case numbers down and prevent a further spike in infections. As recent statistics have shown that most new cases are among those who are unvaccinated, I would appeal to our young people to take particular care to avoid large crowds and to limit their contacts. I would also encourage anyone who is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine but has not yet registered for vaccination to do so as soon as possible. Adherence to public health advice, in tandem with the vaccination programme, will help us through this pandemic and lead us to brighter days ahead.”

Eamonn O’Sullivan, Chief Executive of Monaghan County Council is encouraging the people of Monaghan to follow all public health advice and stay safe.

“We are currently experiencing a rise in the number of COVID-19 cases. I would urge everyone eligible to apply and avail of the COVID-19 vaccine. Now is the time that we must work together to ensure that this virus does not take hold again. As the country begins to open up, please ensure that you follow public health advice and stay safe, if we work together we will reduce the spread of this virus.”

By Mary McEneaney Wed 28th Jul

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