Monaghan Harps notes

By cshalvey Wed 2nd Oct

Monaghan Harps Lotto: Numbers 10, 21, 22 and 26. Jackpot of €3,700 not won. Residual prizes: €100 Dessie McGarry c/o Ann Treanor; €40 Noel ‘Buster’ Boyle c/o Dermot Coyle; €40 Peadar Fox c/o Séamus Treanor; €40 James Creighan c/o Séamus Treanor. Jackpot for Sunday, October 6 is €3,800 and Gráinne and Owen Connell are on duty. Lotto draw takes place in our clubhouse every Sunday night. All welcome. Thanks to everyone for their support for our Lotto, which has now played a critical role in our club’s funding for 25 years.


Seniors: We return to the Monaghan Electrical IFL with a must-win final-round home game against Killanny this Sunday at 12 noon. All support welcome.


U-12: Well done to our U-12 boys on winning the shield at Oram’s tournament last Saturday.


Fun Day: Our annual Family Fun Day to round off the juvenile year is set to take place at Gavan Duffy Park on Saturday week, October 12. This will include the usual fun and games for all ages and the juveniles’ sponsored walk. Sponsorship cards are available now.


U-7: Well done to our U-7s, who were part of the opening of Killeevan’s new pitch recently.


Clubhouse: The Monaghan Harps clubhouse is available to book for functions. Please contact Paudge Connolly on 085 8589135 or Rose Donnelly on 086 0825782 for more information. Anyone looking to book the clubhouse for meetings, functions, etc. is asked to please give a week’s notice for convenience.



U-15s: The Under-15s finished their campaign with a defeat versus Castleblayney in the championship final last Sunday. There were solid performances all round from the Harps players., but they came up short to a much stronger Castleblayney side. Aidan Cunningham put in a gallant effort with excellent distribution from his puck-outs, Gary Devlin gave an industrious performance as per usual and Cian Bradley caused problems for the Blayney defence. Rylan McCooey marshalled the defence well and tried his best to put a halt to the Blayney onslaught.

Juvenile Training: Training continues this Sunday at 12 noon for U-13s and 15s.


Notes: Anyone who has news for inclusion in the club notes can send an email to by Tuesday morning.


By cshalvey Wed 2nd Oct

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