Monaghan GAA has completed its highest ever number of Child Protection Courses in the early part of 2019. Eleven Child Safeguarding One courses have been held in the county this year, along with additional courses as part of the Coaching foundation courses and others through schools for transition year students.
These courses have been delivered by tutors Noel Duffy and Conor Fadian, while Duana McArdle also delivered additional courses in the early part of the year. All of the tutors have been certified through Croke Park and Sports Ireland as the only approved GAA tutors within County Monaghan. This entitles them to deliver GAA child safeguarding training. This certification allows them to deliver courses across all GAA codes, football, hurling, camogies, handball and rounders. All tutors give up their time regularly to attend Croke Park for refresher training. Conor is also certified to deliver Child Safeguarding 2 training to GAA club children’s officers and he has delivered two of these courses already this year in conjunction with LGFA County Children’s Officer, Emma Coyle.
The tutors have confirmed how they have been extremely busy in the last two months, delivering several courses each week during February and March. They see this as a very positive sign. It shows that clubs and members are working positively and that they are taking their responsibilities very seriously in relation to Child Safeguarding. Many will also tell you that because of the Childrens First legislation, this is also a legal responsibility for everyone who interacts with children.
All Clubs who wish to run Child Safeguarding courses should contact County Childrens officer John McArdle who is the designated point of contact for arranging all child protection courses.
By Mary McEneaney Sat 16th Mar