Monaghan Harps notes

By cshalvey Thu 21st Feb

Monaghan Harps Lotto: Numbers 2, 4, 20 and 26. Jackpot of €1,000 not won. Residual prizes: €100 Patricia Brennan c/o Noel Hennessy; €40 F O’Connor c/o Paudge Connolly; €40 Peter Doherty c/o Paddy Donnelly; €40 Ben O’Sullivan c/o Eileen McElvaney (Ladies Club). Jackpot for Sunday, February 24 is €1,100 and Ann and Adrian Trappe are on duty. Congratulations to Geraldine McQuillan, who was presented with our February 10 jackpot cheque for €1,700 last Sunday! Lotto draw takes place in our clubhouse every Sunday night. All welcome. Thanks to everyone for their support for our Lotto, which has now played a critical role in our club’s funding for almost 25 years: we plan to celebrate that milestone on April 28. We ask all club members to continue to promote our Lotto as much as possible. Please note that the 2019 Sunday-night rota is now available in the clubhouse.

Quiz/Tráth na gCeist: We hosted a very successful table quiz as Gaeilge agus as Béarla in our clubhouse last Friday night. This was a very enjoyable night, with a great turnout of 30 teams and Joe Ó Gallchóir doing a great job as quizmaster. Much credit must go to the organisers, the correctors on the night and everyone who helped to prepare the quiz and the excellent prizes. Thanks to everyone who attended and all of the following sponsors for their support: JMPC; Duffy Engineering; Seán Ward Plumbing & Heating; John Bogue Ltd.; The Dent Doctor; Larry & Deirdre Moran; The Squealing Pig Bar & Restaurant; Senator Robbie Gallagher; DBA Accountants; The Batch Loaf; Colm Herron; Larmer Property Consultants; Richard Sleator; Terry’s Bar; Oriel Insulations; Upstairs Downstairs Furniture; Alan Johnson; Eugene McGinnity; Agrihealth; Ward’s Pharmacy; Leonard Engineering; Coláiste Oiriall; Gaelscoil Ultain; St. Macartan’s College; FJ Coyle & Associates; McDonnell Commercials; Dolan’s Pharmacy; Mono Furniture; Diesel Clothing; Peter Richardson; Patrick O’Donnell Fruit & Veg.; Sam’s Bridge; and Troy Panels. The money raised will go towards all sections of the club.

Muineachán le Gaeilge: Tá ranganna Gaeilge eagraithe ag Muineachán le Gaeilge in ár gclubtheach gach Mháirt @ 7pm. More details of these Irish conversational classes can be seen on the Muineachán le Gaeilge social-media pages. Scaip an scéal le bhur dtoil!

Registration: Registration fees for 2019 can now be paid to club registrar Kevin Treanor or in the clubhouse. Please note that all juvenile and adult players must be paid-up members. Fees are as follows: U-11s €20; juveniles/seniors €30; family membership €60.

Ireland Lights Up: Monaghan Harps are proud to be taking part in the Operation Transformation ‘Ireland Lights Up’ project for 2019. We are now looking ahead to the last night of this six-week programme of walks, which takes place this evening (Thursday) at 7pm. High-vis jackets will be provided. Thanks to all club members involved.

Club Draw: Thanks to everyone for their support for the GAA’s National Club Draw.

O’Neills: A range of Harps gear can now be bought online from O’Neills website. See the club’s social-media pages for the link.

Dates to remember: The 25th anniversary party for the club’s Lotto is planned for April 28. Monaghan Arch Club will return to Gavan Duffy Park for their annual visit next Thursday, February 28. The Intermediate Football League is scheduled to start on Saturday, March 30 (at home to Corduff), with the Reserve League action to begin early next month. Our Saturday-morning coaching for juveniles is due to kick off in late March and our juveniles will again be taking part in the St. Patrick’s Day parade. Any adult club members available to steward the St. Patrick’s Day parade can contact Dónal Sherry on 086 2336159.

Charity match: Any sponsorship forms from our annual New Year’s Day charity match still to be returned can be left into the clubhouse or to organisers Mary White and Owen Connell. Please return forms and money raised as soon as possible.

Ladies: Indoor training has commenced for U-12, U-14 and U-16 girls. All newcomers welcome. Please contact Ronan on 086 0701764 for details.

Clubhouse: The Monaghan Harps clubhouse is available to book for functions. Contact Jimmy Croarkin on 087 1249635 or Pádraig Callan on 087 2543511 for more information. Anyone looking to book the clubhouse for meetings, functions, etc. is asked to please give a week’s notice for convenience.

Notes: Anyone who has news for inclusion in the club notes can send an email to by Tuesday morning.

By cshalvey Thu 21st Feb

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