As you all may be aware it has been 50 years from the foundation of Scór nationally and Coiste Cultúir & GaeilgeCoiste Chontae Mhuineacháin want to preserve our Scór memories from over the years. Monaghan became active in 1970 with Ballybay winning 5 competitions out of the 7! With this in mind we want all clubs to submit an articles, newspaper cuttings, and photos so we can compile a programme in booklet form on this momentous occasion. So can give your Cultural Officers as much assistance as possible with this please!
The booklet will be launched at our Caoga Bhliain ag Fas night on 05th April 2019.
We have enclosed the following topics only as guidelines
1 Your personal Scór experience
2 Your clubs participation in Scór
3 Achievements / Wins
4 Our Cultural Officer
5 Remembering Scór
Your article can be as long or as short as you want or just even to send Ádh Mór and please include a picture and the name of your Club’s Cultural Officer.
There will be a min fee of €60 to cover printing costs. Can we ask that you email all entries to Mairéad Ni Bhaoghill at on or before 09th March 2019
We will include you club crest and something similar as attached below. And if there are any additional business in your area who want to send your club good wishes on this 50th year we would greatly accept the add and credit if to your article.
For any more information please contact Mairéad on 086 8977790 or by email on