Monaghan Harps notes

By cshalvey Sat 10th Mar

Monaghan Harps Lotto: Numbers 4, 6, 16 and 18. Jackpot of €1,000 not won. Residual prizes: €100 Seán McKenna (direct debit) c/o Owen Connell; €40 Emmet McKenna c/o Maria McKenna; €40 John Brennan c/o Noel Hennessy; €40 Dermot Coyle (direct debit) c/o himself. Jackpot for Sunday, March 11 is €1,100 and Helen and John Hahessy are on duty. Congratulations to Finnian McKenna, who received the cheque for our February 25 jackpot of €4,300 from Lotto committee members last Sunday. Lotto draw takes place in our clubhouse every Sunday night. All welcome. Thanks to everyone for their support for our Lotto, which plays a critical role in our club’s funding. We ask all club members to continue to promote our Lotto as much as possible.


Reserves: After a false start due to the snow last week, we are due to start our Reserve Football League Division 1B campaign away to Emyvale this Saturday at 4pm. Good luck to Peter Coyle, Ciarán Mulligan, Niall Greenan and all involved.


Meetings: Due to tonight’s Child Protection course, the club’s monthly meetings for March have been rescheduled for next Thursday (March 15): juvenile at 7pm, senior at 8.


Charity match: Our charity match cheque presentation has been rescheduled for this Sunday night (March 11) in the clubhouse at 10pm. Everyone who took part in or supported the charity match is invited to join us for the presentation night on Sunday. All support welcome.


County: Good luck to Neil McAdam and the Monaghan senior footballers in their rescheduled Allianz NFL game in Galway on Sunday. Congratulations to Brendan Óg Ó Dufaigh on being named captain of the county minor footballers for 2018. This is a great honour for him, his family and our club and we wish Ógie and the team all the best.


Membership: Registration fees for 2018 are now due and can be paid to club registrar Kevin Treanor or in the clubhouse. Fees are €20 for players up to and including U-11; €30 for all other players and members and €60 for a family membership. Please note that all players must be paid-up members to be insured for 2018.


Dates to remember: The Senior Football League is now scheduled to start on Saturday, March 31 (at home to Latton), with our minors due to begin their campaign on Tuesday, March 27. Our Saturday-morning coaching for juveniles will kick off in late March and our juveniles will again be taking part in the St. Patrick’s Day parade. Any adult club members available to steward the St. Patrick’s Day parade can contact Dónal Sherry on 086 2336159. The juvenile club’s annual Cake Sale is set for April 28. Darkness into Light will take place for a fifth time in Monaghan on May 12, 2018.


Sponsor a Seat: To celebrate and promote the continued development of our facilities at Gavan Duffy Park, we are offering the unique opportunity to sponsor/dedicate a seat in our stand at a cost of €50. See our club website ( or contact Club Secretary Val Forde ( or any committee member for more details.


Speedy recovery: We wish Evan Doherty and Niall Greenan speedy recoveries after they underwent operations during pre-season.


Notes: Anyone who has news for inclusion in the club notes can send an email to by Tuesday morning.


Gavan Duffy Park: The Monaghan Harps clubhouse is available to book for functions. Contact Jimmy Croarkin on 087 1249635 or Pádraig Callan on 087 2543511 for more information. Anyone looking to book the clubhouse for meetings, functions, etc. is asked to please give a week’s notice for convenience.


By cshalvey Sat 10th Mar

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