Scór Sinsir i dTulach Carbaid
The Scór season came to an end in the County on Sunday in Tullycorbet Community Centre for the final of The Acorn Life sponsored Scór Sinsir.
Stephen Mc Mahon from Tullycorbett was a very capable and eloquent Fear an Tí and great credit is due to the people of Tullycorbet for hosting another Senior Scór event in such an efficient way. Carmel Duffy kicked off the afternoon with Amhrán na bhfiann . Thanks too to the adjudicators who had a very difficult task in choosing the acts to go on to Ulster.
Well done to all involved on the afternoon – they were a credit to their families and clubs. We were so lucky to have some clubs present who have been absent over the years so a big welcome back to them .The overall standard was very high and the adjudicators had a very difficult task in their deliberations.
The results were as follows
Rince Foirne; Scairbh na gCaorach
Amhránaíocht Aonair: Cathriona Sherlock An Both
Aithriseoireacht ; Paddy Sherlock An Both
Bailéad Ghrúpa Gaeil Triúcha
Rince Seit Scairbh na gCaorach
Carol Flood who took part in 3 of the competitions accepted The Deirdre Rooney Cup on behalf of Scairbh na gCaorach for An Club is Fearr .
The winners now progress to Babhta Leath Cheannais Uladh in St. Clare’s Hall, Chapel Road. Glenavy, Co. Antrim on Sunday 11th March at 5.00pm. The other counties involved are Antrim, Down, Derry and Fermanagh.
Ádh mór orthu.
Photos from the event can be seen by following the link below
By Mary McEneaney Wed 28th Feb