Carrickmacross Emmets GFC Christmas Day Swim Main Beneficiary Shane McMahon

By Mary McEneaney Mon 11th Dec

Carrickmacross Emmets GFC Christmas Day Swim  Main Beneficiary Shane McMahon
Carrickmacross Emmets GFC Christmas Day Swim  Main Beneficiary Shane McMahon

Shane McMahon, who has only recently turned forty, has been a dedicated member of Carrickmacross Emmets for many years, both as a player and more recently as a club referee. Other members of his family have also been deeply involved in the local community, volunteering with Carrickmacross Emmets and other organisations. Shane and Roslyn; his fiancée; together with their young son Clarke who is two and a half years of age; and a new baby is due in January, will need all our support following Shane’s diagnosis with Motor Neurone Disease in October. With all the responsibilities of having a young family Shane and Roslyn must now take up the arduousness of this disease, the least of which will be the journey every six weeks to the Beaumont Hospital. Your help will support them on their way. This money raised for this fund will be used to support Shane for his future medical care costs; medical equipment costs and home modification and adaptation costs.

In the 37th year of the Christmas Swim it is fantastic to be in a position to help the McMahon family and the club expect a huge response from the people of the county and further a-field including our Gaels overseas! Emmets have always helped our local charities through the Annual Christmas Swim and it has raised thousands of euros over those intervening years but this year it takes on a significant importance to the Emmets; because it is for one of our very own club members; hopefully the public will give generously to the fund to ensure the greatest assistance and support can provided for Shane and his family!

Sponsorship cards are available from “O’Rourke Fuels” and donations can be done directly at the Carrickmacross Credit Union.

Please support the Christmas Day Swim this year, if you would like to get involved or just want to send Shane a message you can visit the website that his brother and former Club Chairman Tómas has made on his behalf

By Mary McEneaney Mon 11th Dec

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