Cúl Camps 2017 throws in!

By poconnor Sun 9th Jul

Cúl Camps 2017 throws in!
Cúl Camps 2017 throws in!


On Monday the 3rd of July, the Kellogg’s Cul Camp’s kicked into action with four camps taking place in Clontibret, Clones, Toome and Carrickmacross. Overall the camps proved to be a massive success with the attendance at all four camps up from the previous year. In Clontibret a massive 221 boys and girls attended the camp, 176 children took part in the camp in Clones, 224 children attended the camp in Carrickmacross and 50 in Toome. This is a significant increase from 2016.


Weather was relatively good throughout the week, and the enthusiasm of the children and coaches never dithered with the coaches having to organise a number of indoor activities for the children on Tuesday. The children got to experience the full enjoyment of a Kellogg’s Cul Camp with a full range of fun games and activities throughout the week. Each of the participants who attended the camps got an opportunity to play football, hurling, camogie, rounders and and some camps handball.


On top of this county players Rory Beggan, Conor McCarthy, Conor Forde, Barry McGinn and Ryan McAnespie were coaching at the camps. It’s great for the children to come and learn from our county hero’s, which will hopefully inspire them to want to play for their county team in the future. Rory attended all four camps over the week, where he completed a number of different challenges against the children. This seemed to go down well with the children and it’s something to look out for at the remainder of the camps.


Monaghan Coaching & Games Development Committee would like to thank the host clubs for providing their excellent facilities and for supporting and promoting the camps. Furthermore they would like to thank camp co-ordinators, coaches, parents and children for their help in ensuring the camps where a success.


Next week four camps take place starting bright and early on Monday morning (tomorrow) in Castleblayney, Inniskeen, Monaghan Harps and Emyvale. We still have 11 camps to take place over the course of July so if your child is not registered yet and you would like to send them, you can still do so.


Online bookings can be made here.

Also you can download an application form by clicking on the link here


The cost of the camp is €60 for the first child, €50 for the second child and €40 for every child after that. Each child received a free backpack, half zip training top and a Cul Camps jersey.


If you would like any further information about the camp please do not hesitate to contact county coordinator Paul O’Connor (086 837 4827) and he will be glad to help.


Please see below a selection of Photos from this past week’s camps:


By poconnor Sun 9th Jul


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