Cremartin Club Notes

By Mary McEneaney Fri 23rd Jun



There was No Winner of the weekly Shalotto which was held in the Social Club on the 18th June 2017

Numbers Drawn.13-16-20-25 Lucky Dips; Laurence McNally Billeady, Pat Casey Corlackagh, Edel McArdle, Ben Morgan, Dyphna Mc Cabe

The Jackpot stands at €3,000 and our draw will take place in Atkinsons on Sunday evening next. You may join the Annual Shalotto Scheme by contacting any member of the Committee.

Lotto Rota Lorraine Brennan and Stephen McGeough

FEILE There is great buzz and excitement among the juveniles this week as they look forward to welcoming Maynooth to host at Our Club on Friday evening around 4pm-/430pm We are competing in Division 2C along with Latton and their guest Club Clontarf who will also be in Cremartin on Friday evening and the schedule of games are as a follows in Cremartin Shamrocks GAA 5pm Cremartin v Latton 545pm Clontarf v Maynooth, 630pm Cremartin v Clontarf, 715pm Latton v Maynooth . Then on Saturday morning at 11am we will play our host team Maynooth in our last group game. After that we will have a quarter final at 2pm or 3pm in either Cremartin or Cloghan depending were we finish in the group. If we progress to the semifinals these will be at Clones Peace Link on Sunday Morning with Final also in St Tiarnachs Clones. As you can see it will be very busy over the weekend and we ask for all help in any way you can Stewarts, Tea Makers, Bakers or just to come along and show your support to these young players. Thank You

Reserves Div 1B Wednesday June 28th away to Magheracloone at 8pm

Under 14 Div 1 Tuesday June 27th away to Carrick at 730pm

Under 16 Div 3 Thursday June 29th home to Rockcorry at 730pm

Under 6-8-10 training continues every Friday evening 630pm to 730pm

Sympathy The Club would like to send our sincere sympathy to Mary Carragher on the death of her Father Mr Sean Nugent Ar dheis De go raibh a anam!

By Mary McEneaney Fri 23rd Jun

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