Lotto: No winners, numbers drawn were 15-17-21-23, lucky dip winners were Kieran Lonergan Drumgoose, Christina Mc Cooey Drumgoose, Pauraic Lambe Anadrummond
Astro-Turf: for pitch bookings call 087-2901654
Speedy Recovery to our u14 footballer Ryan kelly, we hope to see you back on the playing field real soon
Nursery Games continue every friday from 6.30-7.30pm from pre-school age-u8 for further info call Aidan on 087-7733291
Sympathies are extended to the Daly Family on the recent death Ciara Daly Cornalough, go ndeana Dia Trocaire ar a anim dilis.
Membership any out-standing membership that is due please give to any committee member asap
By Mary McEneaney Fri 19th May