Killeevan Club Notes

By Mary McEneaney Fri 19th May

Cumann Peile na Sáirséalaigh Cill Laobhain

Club Notes – 18/05/17

Sraith Tacíocht/Reserve League.

Cill Laobhain V Gaeil Truiche Away game against Truagh on Sunday 21st May at 2pm.

Sraith Faoi 14/Under 14’s League.

Cill Laobhain V Buíochar. Home game in Páirc na Sáirséalaigh against Rockcorry Saturday 20th May at 12pm.

Craobh Tacaíocht/Reserve Championship.

Corn MacEoin/McKeown Cup

Cill Laobhain 2.08 V 1.12 Cluain Tiobrad. Reserve Championship in Clontibret at 7.30pm Friday 12th May.

Duais Gaeilge/Irish Award.

Aitheantas eile don chlub ó thaobh na Gaeilge. Further recognition of our club’ efforts to promote and use our Irish language. Comhghairdeas do achan baill den chlub atá páirteach nó atá ag cuidiú linn Gaeilge a cuir chun chinn sa chlub agus sa ceantair timpeall orainn. Congratulation to all members who are part of these efforts or who help out in any way. We as a club/community have an opportunity to create a bit of club history, take a huge step forward in the use of Irish in this area and make our club unique in Co. Monaghan. We ALL have some Irish, if we use whatever we have, pretty soon, we’ll find we’ve more than we thought! Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir.

Club na mBan.


Comhghairdeas do Macayla Greenan agus Janelle McGovern as corn Uladh a baint le foireann faoi 16 Co. Mhuineacháin. Congratulations to our two club girls, Macayla and Janelle on their Ulster medals as part of the under 16 Co. Monaghan team. Maith sibh.

Páirc ‘Astro’ na Sairsealaigh

Booking line: 086 1722923


Na hUimhreacha.

1, 15, 23, 28.

30 Lucky dip winner:

Jason & Catriona, Newbliss.

€20 Lucky dip winner:

Noel Hall, Doohat.

Michael Poynton, Scothshouse.

Luke Kelly, Scotshouse.

Hugh P. Quigley, Drumreenagh.

Paul Smith, Dooskey.

An Pota Óir an seachtain seo chugainn/Next Week’s jackpot is €12,200.

The draw will take place in Annie’s Sunday 21st May.

Ár mbuíochas d’achan duine a chuidíonn linn sa chrannchur.

Uainchlár Chrannchur/Lotto Rota.

Kieran Mc Garvey, Tommy Mc Garvey, Brendan Tynan, Patrick Leonard agus Breda McCooey.

By Mary McEneaney Fri 19th May

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