Tyholland Notes 27th April 2017
Lotto: Results for w/e 22nd April 2017: Jackpot €8,800. No winner. Numbers Drawn: 1,2,11,21. Lucky dip winners; J,S,P,J Sherry, Brenda Fitzpatrick, Paul McQuaid, Aine Treanor. Jackpot now is €8,900….. Many thanks to everyone for supporting our weekly slotto!
Monaghan Electrical IFL: A trip to Aughnamullen is in store for our Seniors this Saturday evening. Following two wins out of their last three and good quality football being played we would like to see good support once again to help them secure another win against the table toppers! Throw in at 7.30 see ye there!!
There has been a fixture change for the Toome match which will now be played away on Wednesday 3rd at 7.30.
Minors: Many thanks to Senior player Ronan McNally who has agreed to assist Jow Cawley in the coaching of our Minor lads. They had a home game against Doohamlet on Tuesday… results on Facebook. Next Tuesday they take on neighbours Clontibret in an away match with a 7.30 throw in!
Gerry’s Prepared Veg:
U16: Our U16s were narrowly defeated by Emyvale last Thrursday. They welcome Truagh this evening (Thursday) at 7.30. Please come out and cheer the lads on, particularly in these home games!
U14: Our U14s lost out against a very strong Drumhowan side. Training continues as per whatsapp group info.
U12: Good luck to Adrian Sheridan, Brendan Hamilton and our U12 mixed team who head to Cloghan on Saturday for the spring league finals!
Juveniles: Our U10s welcome Emyvale for a challenge match this evening! U8s continue training on Wednesdays 6.30 – 7.30 and Saturdays.
Buíochas: Many thanks to Paul Treanor and Richard Tiernan who have kindly sponsored our new mini jerseys for our younger players. Once again we encourage our members to support our sponsors whenever possible.
Seniors: Following their win against Castleblayney the senior ladies lost out against Scotstown last Sunday morning.
Bingo: The Ladies County Board are holding a Big Bingo event in the Glencarn hotel on 28th May. Books for this are available from Shauna McMahon, 086 2149898.
MEMBERS MEETING: Monday 8th at 8 o clock. Our next meeting will be preceeded by a Members Meeting and we would encourage all members, players, coaches to attend.
This members meeting will be an opportunity for you to see what plans are ahead for our club and what we hope to achieve this year. We value the views and suggestions of all our members and if you have any issue or ideas in how we can improve the running of CLG Tigh Thalainn please come along.
Comhgairdeas: Well done to Gemma Boyd, Hannah O’Reilly and assistant coach Fiona Boyd on their All Ireland success with the Blackwater Steelers basketball team!!
Lordy Lordy Lordy: A massive HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Coaching Officer Paddy Hughes who will be celebrating his 40th Birthday this weekend! Have a good one Paddy!! While we are on the birthday buzz we also wish our childrens officer Selina Mullen and Tracy McNally very Happy Birthdays!! Breithlá Shona Daoibh go léir.
Dates for your Diary: We hope to run our highly anticipated summer camp on the weekend of 2nd, 3rd, 4th August this year and don’t forget coming soon is the Féile na nGael and Féile Peile na nÓg tournaments which takes place from 23rd to 25h June.
News: If you have any newsworthy information you would like to spread, feel free to conact me on 086 8222426 or email pro.tyholland.monaghan@gaa.ie by 6pm on Mondays. Also if there is anyone who would like to get involved in the promotion of our club please contact me. We are hoping to get a website up and running soon but an extra pair of hands would help speed this process along greatly. Thank you!
By Mary McEneaney Thu 27th Apr