Truagh Club Notes

By Mary McEneaney Thu 27th Apr

Lotto:  There was no winner of last week’s Jackpot Prize of €6800.  The numbers drawn were 12, 18, 19 and 27.  There were 6 Match 3 Winners – Mark Kelly, Killacorn, Aoibhinn McCaffrey, Golan, Siobhan Coyle, Francis Sherlock, and Eamon Treanor.  Sellers Prizes:  Weekly – Josie Brady, Yearly – Josie Brady.  Next week’s Jackpot Prize is €6900.    The lotto draw takes place at 10.30pm sharp every Sunday Night, any lottos received after the draw takes place will be deferred until the following week’s draw.  Lotto can now be done online – go to to see details.

MFL Div 1:  Killanny v Gaeil Triucha Tues 2nd May in Killanny at 7.30pm

Reserve B Div 1:  Scotstown 0-9 v 1-06 Gaeil Triucha
MFL Div 1:  Inniskeen 5-18 v 4-09 Gaeil Triucha
Dev Hurling:  ‘Blayney 1-10 v 2-11 Gaeil Triucha

St. Mungos Luganulk:  We had a fantastic night’s entertainment last Saturday Night in the function room thanks to Conor Grimes and Alan McKee with their production ‘St Mungos Luganulk’.  The large crowd present on the night thoroughly enjoyed the hilarious efforts of St. Mungos  to win silverware.  A big thanks to the Cultural Committee for organising the event and to all who were present on the night.  We look forward to Messrs. Grimes and McKee returning to St. Mellans with their new play in the not to distant future.

Development Draw:  Well done to all our ticket sellers who are continuing their great work.

Keep Free Sun May 7th – La na gClubanna.

U6 & U8’s.  Training continues as normal this evening. Parents/guardians of U6’s must be present for the session and are encouraged to take part.
U10’s. Had their first blitz of the season last Saturday in Drumhowan, a great morning of football. Training continues as per messages.
U12’s. Both teams played a challenge match against Errigal Ciaran last Sunday in St Mellans. Zone D lads were away to Clontibret on Tuesday night in their last Spring League game. The Spring League finals take place on Sat, 29 April in Cloghan. Keep an eye on Whatsapp for details
U14’s. Were defeated by Inniskeen last Saturday. Training continues as per messages
U16’s. Are away to Tyholland this evening, 27 April, throw in at 7.30.  Training as per messages.

U8/u10 Training every Thursday at 6.45 challenge game this Saturday in St Mellans see group message for details
U12/u14   u12 to start their league in early June. The u14 girls played Scotstown on Tuesday in St Mellans. Results to follow next week
U16 only a couple of games left for the u16 girls. Training as pre arranged with management
The seniors played a challenge v Killeshill on Thursday last.  See group message for training and match details.

feile is being run on 23rd to 25th of June. Lots of helping hands needed to run this weekend smoothly. Anyone interested in lending a hand contact any commitee member
Registration is now due pleas ensure your child/children is registered. Any queries contact any member of management.
Our Chairperson Frank Mc Kenna is running a fun run around Emy Lake in aid of Errigal Truagh Special Needs this Sunday 30th at 2pm registration from 1pm. Please support this worthy cause

By Mary McEneaney Thu 27th Apr

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