Tyholland Club Notes

By Mary McEneaney Thu 2nd Mar

Tyholland Notes

Lotto: Results for w/e 25th February 2017: Jackpot €8,000. No winner. Numbers Drawn: 2,3,4,19. Lucky dip winners; Briege Murphy, Jimmy Askin, Aiden McCormick, Catherine Flannagan. The Jackpot next week will be €8,100. Draw takes place in the bar every Saturday night!

Platinum Tanks Reserve League: Our Reserve team play their first match on Sunday 12th March when they welcome Killanny. It would be great to have good support for their first home game!


U14: Our U14 lads continue their training. Contact Barry for more details on 087 7790253 or if you wish to be added to the whatsapp group.

U12: The U12 mixed group take to the field Tuesdays from 6.30 – 7.30. Contact Adrian on 086 8353270 for info or if you need to be added to this group.

U10s: U10 mixed training takes place on Thursdays from 6.15 – 7.30. Contact Richard on 086 8557339 for more info or to be added to whatsapp.


Our U8s training continues on Saturdays. Children born 2009/2010 are all welcome. Times will be notified via the Whattsapp group. Contact Paddy on 087 2231310.

Meanwhile our hardy U6s are out on the field every Saturday morning from 10am. All children born 2011/2012 are welcome to join! Contact Peadar on 086 8371117 for more details.

Ladies: Please support our Reserve ladies who travel to Threemilehouse for a 3pm throw in on Sunday against the Seans.

Girls U14/U12: Training continues for our U14/12 girls on Fridays.

Referees: If you are interested in becoming a referee, there will be a Basic Training course in Cloghan tomorrow Friday 3rd, Tuesday 7th and Friday 10th at 8pm. We are hoping that Tyholland would have new representatives in refereeing this year. For more information contact Cormac Connolly on 085 1741779.

Club Membership: Club membership is due you can see rates on Facebook page or contact Club Registrar Michelle on 086 8907240 for details. All players must be registered before training may begin.

Garda Vetting: Any members who would like to help out with our Juvenilles or intend to host feile competitors must complete a Garda Vetting form. Please contact Childrens officer Selina on 086 3444797 for more information.

Well Done: Well done to Karl, Malachy and the Monaghan team who defeated Kerry last weekend. Good luck this weekend against Tyrone. We also wish Grainne McKenna and the Monaghan Ladies success as they face Kerry also this Sunday!

Coaches: If you are in any way interested in helping out or coaching with any of our underage boys or girls teams, you can contact Paddy Hughes on 087 2231310.

Circuits: Paul McCormicks circuit training classes continue on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7.30 in the hall.

Drama Group: What a weekend of entertainment the Drama group provided for us last weekend!! The show stages again this Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th at 8pm sharp so be sure not to miss it!! It’s a fantastically funny play and is set in The Gibraltar House Hotel in Tyholland!! Lots of belly laughs guaranteed right from the start with plenty of curious and dodgy characters. Tickets are available from the Club Bar, Sams Bridge and any member of the group. Remember all funds raised go to local groups and charities! See you all there!!!

By Mary McEneaney Thu 2nd Mar

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