Killeevan Club Notes

By Mary McEneaney Thu 2nd Mar

Cumann Peile na Sáirséalaigh Cill Laobhain

Club Notes – 02/03/17


Míle buíochas do CLG An Cnoc Rua as an cluiche duaslanach abhí againn an Domhnach seo caite. Thanks to Redhills GAA for the challenge match last Sunday. It was a great run out for our seniors. See some great pictures take at the game by Barry Langan on our Facebbook page..

Comórtas Glór na nGael.

Nuacht fíor dearfach don Gaeilge sa chlub. Míle buíochas d’achan duine sa chlub a thug cuidiú duinn i rith 2016 agus muid ag chur chun cinn na Gaeilge. Tá Duais Uladh bainte amach againn arís, dhá bhliain i ndiaidh a chéile!! Many thanks to all in Killeevan Sarsfields who helped throughout 2016 in the promotion of our language. We are delighted to have, for the second year in a row, won the Ulster section of the National Glór na nGael competition. A fantastic achievement for our club. Tá níos mó agus níos fearr le teacht. There’s bigger and better to come!! Go raibh míle maight agaibh arís. Na Sáirséalaigh abú.

Ciorcal Comhrá/Conversation Circle.

Nuacht eile fíor dearfach don Gaeilge sa chlub. Beidh an Ciorcal Comhrá ann níos minice ná abhí. Irish Conversation Circle is growing and will now be on TWICE a month. From this month on, An Coircal will take place on the First Monday of every month, as well as the third Tuesday. Starting on Monday 6th March at 9pm in the Heritage House, Lios Darach. Followed by the second monthy get together on Tuesday 21st March. So if you’re interested in brushing up on your conversational skill as Gaeilge, whatever level that may be, why not join us? Einne atá ag iarraidh a gcuid Ghaeilge a fheabhsú, seo do dhéis! Tá fáilte roimh achan duine. All welcome, from just a ‘Cúpla focail’ to fluent.

Traenáil na n-Óg/Juvenille Training

Beidh traenáil do gach aois grúpa fógraithe le teasc. Training for the all juvenile age groups will be notified by text.

Club na mBan/Ladies Club

Traenáil Foirne/Teams Training.

Coinnigh bhur súile ar ár leathanach Facebook fá choinne an eolais is déanaí. Keep your eyes on the Killeevan Ladies Facebook page for all the latest info on all Ladies teams training. Ná dean dearmad Gumshields MUST be worn by all age groups.

Páirc ‘Astro’ na Sairsealaigh

Booking line: 086 1722923


Na hUimhreacha.

10, 13, 14, 26.

30 Lucky dip winner:

Mickey Wynne, Rockcorry.

€20 Lucky dip winner:

Tom Graham, Shanco.

Stephanie McDermott.

Tony Fitzpatrick, Ture.

Jackie Kennedy, Rockcorry.

Catherine McGuirk/John McGuirk.

An Pota Óir an seachtain seo chugainn/Next Weeks jackpot is €11,100

The draw will take place in The Stag Inn Sunday 5th March 2017.

Ár mbuíochas d’achan duine a chuidíonn linn sa chrannchur.

Uainchlár Chrannchur/Lotto Rota.

Elaine McCaffrey, John Clerkin, Eugene & Aideen Greenan, Fergal Kierans, Brian McGuirk agus Alison Lambe.

By Mary McEneaney Thu 2nd Mar

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