Alpha Lotto Results 19/02/17
Winning letters F, L, N, T €20.00 winners
Tony Lambe, Annamartin -SM Veronica McGorman, Coolatty Kathleen Leonard, Lisgall Niall Boylan, Surveel Paddy Boylan, Scotshouse
Next week’s Jackpot €1,800.00
We urge all our members to try and sell an extra 1 or 2 lottos each week. Every little helps.
Training continues this coming Friday at 8pm in Toals.
Tuesday evening 8pm in Toals
Challenge match this coming Saturday at 4pm
Junior B’s
Our first competitive game of the Season begins this Sunday at home. Throw in is at 2pm and we hope to see all the supporters out in full force.
Our u14 training continues every Tuesday 6.30pm in the complex. Please bring water and runners.
U6’s U’8’s U10’s
Training for all ages groups will begin this coming Sunday at 11.30 am (sharp)
If anyone would like notes added could they please forward all onto either by phone (087-6690748) or by email, before 6pm Monday evening
By Mary McEneaney Thu 2nd Mar