Tyholland Club Notes

By Mary McEneaney Thu 9th Feb

Tyholland Notes

Lotto: Results for w/e 4th February 2017: Jackpot €7,700. No winner. Numbers Drawn: 1, 2, 14, 20. Lucky dip winners; Brendan McQuillan, Pauline Kane, Dolores McConnon, Martin McGee. The Jackpot has now risen to €7,800!!!!!

Club Membership: Club membership is due you can see rates on Facebook page or contact Club Registrar Michelle on 086 8907240 for details. All players must be registered before training may begin.

Garda Vetting: Any members who would like to help out with our Juvenilles or intend to host feile competitors must complete a Garda Vetting form. Please contact Childrens officer Selina on 086 3444797 for more information.

Seniors: Our Seniors have returned to the training field. Training on Tuesdays and Fridays. Contact Darren for information on 086 2392090.

U10: Our U10 lads and lassies are back training tonight Thirsday at 6.15.

Ladies Training: Our Senior ladies are back training for the new season every Wednesday and Friday at 7.30. We are always looking for new ladies to join up so if you are interested please come along or contact Shauna on 086 2149898.

U14/U12: Training resumes for our U14/12 girls on Friday 17th. Keep an eye on whatsapp for more info.

Juveniles: Our U8s will commence their training Saturday 11th Feb. Times will be notified via the Whattsapp group.

Coaches: If you are in any way interested in helping out or coaching with any of our underage boys or girls teams, you can contact Paddy Hughes on 087 2231310.

Well done: Well done to Karl, Malachy and the Monaghan team who defeated Mayo last Saturday.

Drama Group: Tickets are out now for the new hilarious comedy play Borderline from our local Drama Group. Tickets are available from the club bar and Sams Bridge and any member of the group. The performances take place on Saturday 25th, Sunday 26th February and Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th of March at 8.00.

By Mary McEneaney Thu 9th Feb

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