Tyholland Club Notes

By Mary McEneaney Thu 26th Jan

Lotto: Results for w/e 21st January 2017: Jackpot €7,500. No winner. Numbers Drawn: 2,10,26,27. Lucky dip winners; Susan Farmer, Michael McQuaid, Darren Smith, Ronan Hughes. A massive €7,600 jackpot is now up for grabs! Get your tickets in … only €2 for your chance to win!

Club Membership: Club membership is now due. The registration is as follows: Senior Players €30, Student Players €20, Family €50, Adult Members €20, U18 -€10 (an adult must register along with any U18s). Tyholland GFC members will also automatically be registered as members of Tyholland Community Centre. Please contact Registrar Michelle on 086 8907240 for details. All players must be registered before training may begin.

Garda Vetting: Any members who would like to help out with our Juvenilles or intend to host feile competitors must complete a Garda Vetting form. After the initial form is signed off you will be emailed with a number and you can complete the process online. Please contact Childrens officer Selina on 086 3444797 for more information.

Ladies Training: Our Senior ladies are back training for the new season every Wednesday and Friday at 7.30. We are always looking for new ladies to join up so if you are interested please come along or contact Shauna on 086 2149898. Remember if you haven’t already done so registration is now due.

Drama Group: Rehearsals are well under way now for the drama groups new hilarious comedy play Borderline. Details on tickets will be out next week but for now be sure to keep free one of the nights that they will be performing that’s Sat 25th, Sunday 26th February and Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th of March.

Last Man Standing: Our Senior men are running a Last man standing style competition based on the Premiership games. It is only €10 per entry with €400 prize money up for grabs. So if any of the lads approach you be sure to support them!

Poker Classic: Tyholland Community Centre are holding a Poker Classic on Sunday 5th February. There is a massive €1000 prize money up for grabs with only €30 entry fee. Tickets are available from any committee member or the club bar! It all kicks off at 6.30 sharp.

Scoil Bhride Open Evening: Scoil Bhride, Leitrim are holding an open evening this evening Thursday 26th at 7pm. This is open to everyone and enrolement packs are available to anyone who is considering sending their children here in September.

Scoil Padraig: Scoil Phadraig, Garron would like to thank Tyholland GFC for their kind donation to the school following the recent Charity Mavvtch.

By Mary McEneaney Thu 26th Jan

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