Inniskeen Club Notes

By Mary McEneaney Thu 3rd Nov

Fixture: Monaghan Electrical IFL semi-final: Inis Caoin Grattans v Donaghmoyne in Páirc Grattan on this coming Sunday 6th November at 1.30pm. Let’s get behind the lads

Communications upgrade: Attention all paid up members. In an effort to reduce costs & improve club communications, all communications will be sent via email. Please send your email address to or to 0863112932. Thanks for your continued co-operation.

Suicide Prevention Plan: The HSE are organising a Suicide Prevention Plan in conjunction with all voluntary, community and statutory organisations. They are holding workshops locally in Carrickmacross (Workhouse) on this coming Tuesday 8th November 7-9pm. Basically they are looking for people’s opinions and viewpoints on developing this plan. If anyone is interested in attending. Please see local posters or phone our Health and Well Being officer Jimmy Russell at 086-8653975.

Scor na bPaisti: County Final takes place on Saturday 5th November at 3pm in Clontibret Community Centre. The last number of weeks have been very busy for our Inniskeen Grattans Scor na bPaisti teams. Our club will be represented as follows; Instrumental Music Group: Cormac Magee, Lauren McGahon, Shona Mc Hugh, Ceola Walsh & Elana Walsh: Solo Singing: Kate Quinn: Recitation: Laura Quigley Ballad Group: Kyra McGrath, Lara McGrath, Lauren McGahon, Shona Mc Hugh & Ceola Walsh. Quiz Team. Go nEiri an t-adh libh.

Lotto There was no winner of our Pick Four Lotto jackpot of €6,100 last Tuesday night 1st November 2016. The numbers drawn were: 1: 14: 16: 28. The lucky dip winners were, Martin McGeough, c/o Peter Dooley: (P Dooley). Grace McGahon, Inniskeen (P Meegan): Aidan Courtney, Drumnagrella, Inniskeen (D McArdle): Paul Meegan, Seola, Inniskeen. (P Meegan): Eileen Meegan, Drummond, Inniskeen (P Meegan). Next Week’s Lotto jackpot is €6,200. Envelopes available from committee

By Mary McEneaney Thu 3rd Nov

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