Tyholland Notes
Lotto: Results for w/e 22nd October 2016: Jackpot €6,100. No winner. Numbers Drawn: 1,2,10,22. Lucky dip winners; Maria Willis, Amanda Jackson, Stephen McGeough, Bronagh McConnell. Next weeks jackpot is €6,200. Tickets only €2 each or 3 for €5 and the draw takes place every Saturday night in the club bar.
Monaghan Electrical IFL: Cremartin conceded our last league game which means we remain on top of the Intermediate Table. We will play Killanny on Sunday 6th November for the League semi-finals.
Feilé 2017: Tyholland GFC are participating in the largest underage event in Europe next year. We will be hosting a U14 boys and girls team for Feile 2017 and are looking for the support of parents for this exciting event. Anyone who would be willing to host 2 or more children over the weekend 23rd – 25th June please contact Paddy 087 2231310.
Haloween Disco: Please support our Annual Children’s Haloween Disco which is on this Sunday 30th All proceeds raised go to the two local schools.
Allianz Cumann na mBunscoil: A massive congratulations to Scoil Bhríde, Leitrim who brought home the cup when they won the final in their Division of the Cumann na mBunscoil finals in St. Mary’s Park, Castleblayney last Saturday. A tremendous game of football was played by our lads. Well done to all involved!
Come Dine with Me: Tyholland Community Centre are holding their “Come Dine with Me” event on Saturday 19th November. There will be entertainment provided in the club and a free shuttle bus will be put on for all the host houses! This was a brilliant fun event the last time it was held in Tyholland so if you are interested in showing off your culinary skills this year please contact Eamon on 087 9054505 who will fill you in on the details!
Comhgairdeas: Congratulations to Una McNally on her recent engagement to Maurice McKenna.
AGM: The club AGM will take place on Monday 28th November. Any outstanding bills should be sent to in asap. Aileen can be contacted on 086 8169378.
Blood Donation: We would like to encourage our club members to give blood in St. Patrick’s Hall, Monaghan. You can do this Tuesday 1st and Thursday 3rd November between 4.30 – 8pm.
Sympathy: The club would like to extend our sincere sympathy to the Mohan on the death of Mary Mohan, Silverstream. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dilís.
By Mary McEneaney Fri 28th Oct