Killeevan Club Notes

By Mary McEneaney Thu 22nd Sep

Cumann Peile na Sáirséalaigh Cill Laobhain

Club Notes – 22/09/16

Sraith Shoisir/Junior League.

Cill Laobhain 0.13 V 2.18 Druim Shamhain. Away game against Drumhowan Saturday 17th September 5pm.

Foireann: Adam Langan ( 0.01 ) Nigel Quigley, Geard Hughes, Ryan Corr, Maitiú MacUaid, Martin Mc Phillips, Killian Mooney, Kevin Mc Ginn, Ryan Tierney, Michael Smith, Noel Smith (0.11 ), Paul Reilly ( 0.01 ), Eddie Mc Ginn, Iain Mc Connon, Noel Mc Connon. Ionadaí: Dylan Quigley for Michael Smith, Gerard Demaz for Nigel Quigley

Iris Bliantúil C.L.G./G.A.A. Yearbook.

Tá sé an am seo arís! Could the coaches of all teams please write a short outline of your teams activities and forward to These details are need a.s.a.p. Míle buíochas as bhur dtacaíocht.

Ranganna Ghaeilge/Irish Classes.

Tá Cumann Peile na Sáirséalaigh Cill Laobhain ag eagrú ranganna Ghaeilge a bheidh ag tosnú deaireadh mí Méan Fómhair. There will be night classes in conversational Irish starting at the end of September. Anyone interested in attending please contact Brian on 0868078984 or in the next 2 weeks. Exact dates/times etc will be confirmed should there be sufficient interest.

Club na mBán/Ladies Club

Faoi 16/Under 16.

Cluiche Cheannais/ Final

Cill Laobhain 2.08 V 1.08 Machaire Cluain. At neutral Blackhill against Magheracloone on Saturday 17th September.

Comhghairdess d’ár chailíní faoi 16 as an corn a bhaint. Congratulations to our under Girls who brought the Division 2 title back to Killeevan after beating Magheracloone. This was a great achievement for these girls as this was the 1st time we had reached an U16 Final. Massive congratulations to the Girls and their management, Anthony and Darren . Foireann: Lola Mulins, Seanna O Grady( c ), Jenny Freeman, Eleanor O Reilly , Abby Scott, Katelyn Graham ( c ), Orla Mc Ginn, Grainne Clerkin, Katelyn Greenan, Macayla Greenan, Janelle Mc Govern, Aimee Quigley, Aine Deery, Emma Corley, Lauren Mc Cabe, Jane Mc Ginn, Aimee Treanor, Elisha Smith, Laura Duffy, Aimee Mooney, Emma Scott agus Dearbhla Hannon.

Faoi 12/Under 12.

Cluiche Cheannais/Shield Final

Cill Laobhain 1.03 V 3.03 Carraig Mhachaire Rois. Home game i bPáirc na Sáirséalaigh Sunday 18th Septemberat 5.30pm.

Heartbreak for our Cailíní Faoi 12 who lost out to a very strong, physical Carrickmacross side, in the Semi Final. Many thanks to all the girls for their hard work and commitment throughout this year. Also to the parents for all the travelling they did to training and matches. Míle buíochas don foireann banaistíochta, Minor, Eamon agus Dermot. Keep your heads held high Girls as you did yourselves, your

families and your club proud. Maith sibh uilig támuid iontach bródúil as an iarracht a chuir sibh isteach i rith na bliana.


Faoi 8, Faoi 10 & Faoi 12 training finished up last night Wednesday 21st Sept with our Under10 Girls having a challenge match. Mionúr. Minors will be notified of training by text as there are still matches to played.


Míle buíochas don cailíní ‘is tuismitheoirí uilig as bhur dtacíocht i rith na bliana. Thank you to all our Girls and their parents for their support throughout this past year. We will be having a Presentation Evening towards the end of October for all Juveniles, a text will be sent out as well as notification on Facebook. Ar mbuíochas achan duine.

Páirc ‘Astro’ na Sairsealaigh

Booking line: 086 1722923


Na hUimhreacha.

07. 11, 22. 24.

30 Lucky dip winner:

Aoife Tynan, Killeevan.

€20 Lucky dip winner:

John Kelly, Guardhill.

Paddy Quigley, Crossreagh.

Graham Family, Shanco.

Gerard Fitzpatrick, Lisabuck.

Aimee, Ryan amd Cian Lynch.

An Pota Óir an seachtain seo chugainn/Next Weeks jackpot is €8,000

The draw will take place in Dan’s Sunday 25th September.

Ár mbuíochas d’achan duine a chuidíonn linn sa chrannchur.

Kieran Mc Garvey, Tommy Mc Garvey, Gerry Freeman, Brendan Tynan, Patrick Leonard agus Breda McCooey

By Mary McEneaney Thu 22nd Sep

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